Marvie R: No, too long a time period. Abbey Chandler needs a fresh start and an escape from her big-city job, so quaint, quiet Hideaway Grove, where she spent her childhood summers, seems like the perfect choice. Medical doctor and noted member of Los Angeles society. But isnt it also true much of what you have put together, at least regarding the Black Dahlia, is also conjecture based on your own theories and no 100% proof so you could call that dramatic effect for your own writing and sales as well. Yet, it very much is. She also used the Sowden House as a mail drop when she had no fixed address. Im sorry that she had to endure what must have been very painful things. Site by AuthorBytes. . Mom still loved him. Fauna Hodel was born in August, 1951. I think that sometimes, people of higher IQ/intellect become frustrated and bored with the generic, groupthink constraints that the common folk live by. LAPDs refusal to look at it has I think, all to do with IMAGE. Only fleeting as it passes to the next. Even then, I tend to leave room for the story to change, if that makes sense. I cant begin to imagine the complexity of emotions ranging from love to hate for a man that gave you life. Its jarring and can trigger strong feelings to come across outdated and offensive words, but in this case, Mr. Hodel was using such language only in a representative way quoting what was written on a birth certificate. PLEASE CORRECT. Hon medverkade ocks i musikaler som Trollkarlen frn Oz och West Side Story i hemstaden. Soil samples confirmed his findings. My roots on my mothers side go back to County Donegal, Ireland. Surely they made links between the imagery? Here is a letter my mother sent me on my 33, birthday, in 1974. However disgusting and disturbing A Serbian Film might be, I think there are some striking parallels between the madness of the main antagonist and George Hodel, so I encourage you to watch the preview and read the Wikipedia article. But, no real investigations would occur with a corrupt police force and if the victim were a dead prostitute in a backstreet Manila alley. Would be easy fishing grounds for a man like GHH. Much appreciated. All for Steve Hodel. I knew that wasnt the book that I had read (One Day Shell Darken), and now finding out there was also fictionalized material in the book is so disheartening. I present this to you humbly, just for the simple reason that I hope you enjoy these words, which I cannot fully claim ownership of. She was self-educated, and a voracious reader whose lifelong passions were Art and love for Nature. I know all of this because I had many conversations with the real Fauna, a former gallerist and motivational speaker who, in a tragedy so apt for this irony-strewn true story, died of cancer while this TV series inspired by her life was being made. Tamar Hodel is the puzzle piece that connects Fauna Hodel (India Eisley), a teenage adoptee with an identity complex, to the Black Dahlia murder, one of the most notorious crimes of the 20th. George Hill Hodel, Jr., the only child of George Hill Hodel, Sr. and Esther Hodel, was born on October 10, 1907, in Los Angeles, California. Hi Su: Yes, effortlessly creative and gifted is a perfect description for her. He also loved bullfighters even before he read Hemingway. Its amazing that a simple dna test on those letters could solve this crime and you cant get the ok! If this is true, it astounds me that he had a close enough relationship with her to name her child. 2. Thank you Patricia. She never wrote her any letters and never had any contact. He pulled me to my feet and steered me to the front porch. No, LAPD nor any other LE agency has never done any testing. Steve. She was an accomplice to murder as far back as 1945, Ruth Spaulding, dads secretary when she responded to her apt at at Georges orders burned the manuscripts. Factor in the Stockholm Syndrome effects and it makes it easier to understand the WHY she came back to the house. There was blood all over the floor and on some of the furniture, and my face was green and I was trying not to be sick. Thank you so much for sharing your deeply personal story with us. He has never had a fashionable practice. She said she didnt know. I know youre old, and probably still stuck in the olden times, but it is 2021. Of course, my niece, Fauna in real life never met my father, nor was she ever at the Sowden/Franklin House until long after his death in 1999. She was THE major influence on each of her sons for GOOD. Nancy N: Thank you for the kind words. Enjoyable and compelling. She was the mother of five children; Fauna Hodel, Fauna II (born Deborah Elizabeth Wilson), Love, Peace and Joy. will So, for the past twelve or so years, I have chosen just to ignore his rantings. Thank you. Thank you from all of us who still believe truth and journalistic integrity to be far more essential than the bizarre myth making of Steve Hodel. No, never did ID that victim. Before and after the trial. He had no part in the naming. Was she masochistic to a fault? But, by following the evidence I was forced to come to the slow realization that he was in fact guilty of that crime and more to my horror multiple serial crimes in LA. Also, what other crimes did he commit not mentioned or found by me? Has DNA testing been done to determine if George Hodel is Faunas biological father? Wife of George Hill Hodel Jr. married [date unknown] [location unknown] Descendants . So sick. My father never met Fauna and she was never at the Sowden House until long after my father died and my first book, BDA was published. With the sweet sick smell blowing away and everything outdoors swinging slowly back in focus again, I said weakly, I am?, Photo of mother taken by our father George Hodel in 1946. Displayed that last time in a away that prevented full physical and visual access for a viewer that knew that even such access would still leave the issue unsolved. He was a mysterious silver-haired benefactor who bugged the phones of his estranged granddaughter. As far as mothers divorce actually it never really came up and I was nine when dad was arrested, but never really knew about the arrest and trial as a young boy of nine. Hodel was a very successful doctor and was living in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Los Angeles. Keelie K: Dorothy Jean Hodel died in late March 1982, just a few weeks before her 75 th birthday. Born 24 Mar 1935 in San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States Ancestors Daughter of George Hill Hodel Jr. and Dorothy Grace (Anthony) Barber Sister of Michael Paul Hodel [half], John Dion Hodel [half] and [private brother (1940s - unknown)] [half] [spouse (s) unknown] Mother of Fauna Hodel I know that because of your diligence, there is reward for you in the eternal. This life is holy. She was the mother of five children; Fauna Hodel, Fauna II (born Deborah Elizabeth . George Hodel was incapable of love, real love, to her or anyone. Dear Mr. Hodel Its most unfortunate that your life is marred by so many scars; of pain, suffering, and the knowledge that your father is not what you expected him to be. It is here updated to included additional photos and text.). ), Meagan: No, it happened. In retrospect, have to love hearing the Gods laughing long and loudly. Just as many television shows/movies/books often use terms that are racist and deeply insensitive when referring to anyone who isnt a straight, white, Christian person in order to give an accurate representation of the time and place the story is set. Sad that her life was so tragic. Hes been writing them for 18-years now, ever since my first book, Black Dahlia Avenger published in 2003. Have you ever been in touch with Beth Shorts relatives? I mean, it was shocking to me, but it left John in an exalted and unusually talkative mood. Oh, you people, you people. But no open obvious sex. Steve, Joyce Payton: Thank you for the for the kind words. It wasnt until after my fathers death in 1999 and doing my research that I found the Divorce Papers filed at L.A. County Hall of Records that showed they were formally divorced in 1944. Im getting to understand the woman and the artist she was better than I ever have before. Amanda: The people linked with this address are William Hodel and Reynold W Simpson. I may add to this as I find more lies and these are lies. I know he had What year did your mother and George Hodel divorce? The blogs go back more than a decade. You are truly an inspiration and a reminder that there are always people on the good side of the fight, no matter how difficult that may be. Cath B: Its generally meant to group people together often based on stereotypes and ignorance, to other. That is what she told me. By the way, I read your book years ago when it came out and now that Im watching the new series and listening to the podcast, I think Im going to pick it up and read it again! Hodel moved into the "gothic pile" on Franklin and his ex-wife Dorothy and their children soon joined him. Pukar: Steve: I have a feeling this hope-to-get-rich-quick Rose might have put in another literary appearance a few years later. I never visited Ireland, but would love to see it someday. Janet: Im not watching the fictional episodes, but Tamar, my half-sister was very clear that Faunas father was a White Male Italian from San Francisco. Death comes quietly, For many, the line You can checkout anytime you like, but you can never leave! becomes the frightening reality for so many! Wherever this life takes you next, I want to remind you of what you already know: there is always hope over the horizon! Hi steve This snapshot of Dorothy Hodel's life was captured by the 1940 U.S. Census. Copyright 2023 Steve Hodel. Which meant we were living off an on at the Sowden/Franklin House at his pleasure so to speak. Joe Barrett, a roomer at the Hodel residence cooperated as an informant. Steve, Steve, One of Steve Hodels more bizarre claims is that when the purported killer of Elizabeth Short called Examiner city editor James Richardson, he identified himself as the Black Dahlia Avenger. Of course, that isnt true. When I went back and reread it, in light of learning about your story, I fully understood. Also, how did he explain the homage to Elizabeth Short? So glad that as a grown man you understand that all the things she did she did to protect her sons. Zack, the host of the show, had an agenda different than hers. Im amazed at your perseverance, working tirelessly to uncover the terrible crimes of your late father. He transformed himself into a human tape recorder and delivered what appeared to be a flawless repetition of what Steve Hodel told him. Were lucky, we have had a Great Leader emerge whose gallantry, honesty and valour has Captained our ship with great transparency ! In the 1930s he was legally married to a model from San Francisco, Dorothy Anthony, and had a daughter by her, Tamar. Hi Steve, Such a tragic life. At the time, though they resonated with me, I did not fully understand their meaning. Do you and Angelica have different mothers? Hodel's son Steven remembered the magic of growing up in the labyrinth-like home:. The theme of incest and murder at the end of the movie is so clear to me made me wonder why John Huston would have taken such an interest in the acting part, as he rarely portrayed a character in films. Ruth would have been 16 or 17 years old in these photographs and was murdered (to keep her from revealing his criminality) by Dr. George Hill Hodel on May 8, 1945, at age 27. YES. I have always wondered how Tamars relationship with your father resumed after the incest trial. Below is a link to the suggested reading order if one wants a true understanding of how it all comes together. But I cant imagine how Id feel to uncover evidence that my parent had had a second career as a notoriously depraved serial killer. Shock, anger, hatred, and now just a terrible feeling of sadness for his undeniable psychopathy and the recognition he was in truth a real life Jekyll and Hyde. Clearly, his role as Noah Cross was an indication and I believe a definite reference to what he knew, though, in real life, George was not the father of his granddaughter by way of his sexual relations with his fourteen-year-old daughter, Tamar. She desperately wanted to be loved. Id be interested in hearing your thoughts too. Oh please spare me with the, you people comment. Love. Its a shame because it seemed she cared so much about GHH victims. But, I guess I would mainly want to pursue the WHY? Here I was fascinated reading this. Your wonderful mother was blessed to have her sons and you all were blessed to be her sons. Very sad. She also used the Sowden House as a mail drop when she had no fixed address. Lot of new chapters. The D.A.s office now distributes a CD ROM of the files rather than granting access to the originals, so researchers have no way of knowing that Steve Hodel is lying. Dillon was living in Florida at the time of his correspondence with De River, but had formerly lived in Los Angeles. Interesting, compelling, and disturbing. My mother was similar and I suspect there was some atleast emotional incest in her past. Steve Hodel crafts his lies, mixed with truths, seemingly with authority. Bless you and know that what you are doing is reaching more people than you will ever know. She lied and omitted the fact that George had been the sole surgeon at a logging camp and had been a skilled surgeon. He could have had. Steve Hodel now claims that the Sowden House was his boyhood home. Do you feel that George had ever forced cohoursed woman at his sex parties, if they ever existed? It actually made me think about a movie that I never watched (and dont intend to) called A Serbian Man. Yes, one comes to understand her through her own words. Based on this the HOSPITAL AUTHORITIES AND PERSONNEL ASSUMED THAT THIS FRIEND (A NEGRO) WAS THE FATHER, and Tamar continued to let them believe the father was black. Meghan Mountbatten Windsor, The Duchess of Sussex. My mother when confronted and questioned by LADA Lt. Frank Jemison about George Hodel knowing both Elizabeth Black Dahlia Short and the second photo of Mady Comfort lied and denied knowing either woman. No wonder she cared so much for you. Dorothy currently resides at 10201 North Harrington Drv, Corpus Christi, TX 78410-1909. . I hope many are encouraged by you who have also lived twilight zone lives no fault of their own. Stay safe. I, myself, am not using the term Negro Im quoting its use as told to me by Tamar when she described her father listed on her daughter Faunas 1952 birth certificate as Negro. Throughout my writings, I also use the term Negro on the physical descriptions of suspects as described by witnesses from the 1940s and LAPD officers. Thanks for your thoughtful response Steve. What adds to the confusion is the fact that both Tamars and my mother were named Dorothy. : Thank you for your mention of my mothers writing. There were times when Dorothy Hodel was couldnt afford a residence and she and the children lived at the Sowden House. Tamar always loved her father and felt affection towards him, but post incest trial in 1949 they never again had any kind of relationship and dads position toward Tamar with the rest of his family was always, Lying Tamar. (He did see her on a few occasions one being a meeting of Tamars good friend, Michele Phillips when The Mamas and Papas were doing debut singing in the Sixties as he was passing through San Francisco. Best Regards, Steve, Be compassionate. Conspiracy theories about the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., a prominent leader of the civil rights movement, relate to different accounts of the incident that took place on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. I cant imagine the shock you have gone through when you found your first proofs. See how beautifully she communicates it here, with poetic elegance. (1926-1933). Dorothy Hodel We found 4 records for Dorothy Hodel in IL, CA and 2 other states. They were never really interested as they believed that my investigation was just another of the many Below is a PDF containing the complete seven pages as included in BDA III Chapter 6, Tamar Nais Hodel. That is a wonderful, heartfelt tribute to your mother. You exemplify truth, honesty, and justice. Helen Sjholm fddes som dotter till ingenjren Hans Sjholm och lraren Marie-Louise Sjholm, f. Wessblad. Oh! Upon interrogation from the original investigators, Dorothy hodel also said: (1) to the best of my knowledge he didnt and doesnt know her. (2) His branch of medicine is V.D. read my books. Dawn: Yes, Dangerous Friends is an excellent read and very well written by screenwriter, Peter Viertel, one who KNEW. Much appreciated. Below is a PDF containing the complete seven pages as included in BDA III Chapter 6, Tamar Nais Hodel. Wishing you and yours continued health in the very difficult times. Doris Jean HodelROANOKE - Doris Jean Hodel, 88, of Roanoke, formerly of Morton, passed away at 7:10 p.m. on Thursday, January 21, 2021, at her residence, surrounded by her loving family. So all of Steve Hodels stories about the swanky parties his parents threw at the Sowden House you guessed it: Lies. I had the idea that George was her father. My greatest pleasure and reward comes from knowing that readers like you really get it. Best to you and yours. Margo: No, Tamar and George did not have a relationship AFTER the trial going forward. Patti L. This is fascinating. I dont know? She was proud to be to married to a famous recording artist, as her first love (Josh White) was already married. I recently spoke with you explaining how I was told that come to be. I attempt to examine and present many of the triggers for this in my separate books. Dorothy Hodel in Virginia. Leigh: Thank you. She (or he) brought up the question of Tamars possibly incestuous 1949 pregnancy. She was born on November 20, 1925 in Roanoke, Ill., to Silas and Caroline (Huber) Hodel. Most assuredly, YES. As to your questions: They were married for seven years. I continue to present my fathers additional crimes and am working on what I hope will be the last book, The Early Years covering his crimes from the 20s and 30s.,,,,, Hodel Investigations Adds New Partner to Detective Agency: Rima, a Detective Trainee Will Be Working the Phones and Data Searches Starting Mid January 2023, Surrealist Artist William Copley Reveals Black Dahlia Clew Number 7- Man Rays Lovers Lips. I just have one question.if you were able to speak to your father today, what (if anything) would you say to him? In doing so, he has re-victimizes himself and victims of violence, including Elizabeth Short, and re-traumatizes himself, survivors and victims families. In missing this detail, fans failed to realize this story was less about the central murder case of the Black Dahlia and more about the . I had to talk to him for her sake when she they had a falling out, and only talk to me for her. I particularly remember she had a picture on her bureau and Im reasonably sure it was her father. The actual facts surrounding Tamars pregnancy and adoption and Tamars motives, are very different from how they have been portrayed by others, so best to hear them told, as they actually occurred, in the very words of Faunas mother, Tamar Nais Hodel. Find Dorothy Hodel's phone number, address, and email on Spokeo, the leading people search directory for contact information and public records. I am sure Tamar had different stories for different people, so what is the truth of it? Select the best result to find their address, phone number, relatives, and public records. Tamar died two years earlier in 2015., Clarification, I have been Fauna since I was 15, never knowing Id meet my sister in my lifetime . Yes, the Franklin/Sowden Hodel residence was the actual crime scene. I hope that the light of that truth genuinely fills you up. Did your mother never say anything ever about that they had divorced? It just seems like itd be difficult to do the things youve insisted he did if the man understood the nature of love and had his humanity intact} thanks, Again, all about IMAGE. This has nothing to do with the other Fauna who never met dad in life. 10: Civil Servant, the guy LH has a clock on his site saying how many years/months/days/hours/mins/secs since the movies rights have been bought for your book (hes that petty and sad), Kate: I just finished this podcast and had to leave a comment to you and your whole family. It is all about Steve Hodel. You said that, no, George was not the father, and that that pregnancy was terminated. blooms for only a few days each spring Tremendous and factual response Larry. Taking all the darkness to her grave. No movement on DNA testing by LAPD. The school itself was Oregon Episcopal School. You, Steve, have chosen to sing the sweet song of Triumph over death and fear. Best, Steve, Do you think Dr. Hodel had anything to do with Jean Spanglers disappearance? steve. You have more than enough sense. And I just got a chill upon reading that he told her to name her doll Elizabeth. Ich bewundere Sie , dass Sie das alles aufgedeckt haben und hier jedem Anwort geben. In the TNT series, George Hodel's ex-wife Corinna (Connie Nielsen) is based on Dorothy Huston Hodel, George's second wife and the ex-wife of John Huston, Meyers said: "She is very posh and. Debbie S: Yes, so talented and so much promise. I was speechless listening to the part about your discovery of the receipts for the concrete and fertilizer. Steve Hodel knows that these things arent true. This what she told me. (That pregnancy was aborted in 1949.). Rest in peace, God you earned it!! Dear Sir, I have immense respect for you. I and my brothers growing up were well aware of her many weaknesses. Donald Trump. trying to take advantage of a sensational case. Doreen has 3 different addresses, the most recent of which is in New York, New York. Well, as you know from reading BDA I started out confident I would be able to exonerate my father and easily prove he had no involvement in the horrific crime. Much appreciated. boarding on being in love. Hyde that won the battles for his psyche. I just listened to the podcast. That true version of her life was dramatic enough in and of itself without going along with the storyline of the miniseries. 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