Later, it was used in wine and cordials, and even as a Christmas decoration. There are over 200 species of flower in the violet family. Tobacco has a number of magical and mundane uses. A number of Asian poets have written tributes to this hardy plant. READ ALSO 6 Trendy and Beautiful Dark Kitchen Ideas When making any health or lifestyle changes consult your primary care physician, it's a great antidote if you've consumed too much caffeine, numerous studies cited by the National Institutes of Health, Spice up your spring salads with purslane. Purslane (Portulaca Oleracea) is one such plant. To bring fertility and abundance into your life, hang garlands of apple blossoms around your home - particularly over your bed if you're trying to conceive. It was once used in enema form to eliminate muscle spasms, but later fell out of favor. Around the eleventh century, Anglo-Saxon leeches recommend its use in battling menstrual cramps. It is believed that the wordvioletis actually a diminutive ofViola, which is the Latinized variant of Io. AuthorScott Cunninghamrecommended wrapping one in a dollar bill and then carrying it in a sachet, in hisEncyclopedia of Magical Herbs. You can also place them in bowls and baskets around the house - this will not only act as a spider and insect repellent, but you can assign your hedge apples the task of repelling anyone who might cause you harm or nuisance. It can be added to Mystic Rites Incense to assist in the development of your higher spiritual forces. However, like all herbs, it has magical properties as well, so why not take advantage of these in your workings? Prevent cancer 5. For the ancients, the apple was considered a symbol of immortality. Somehoodootraditions recommend wrapping a whole mandrake root in a dollar bill and carrying it in your pocket for financial fortune. Finally, you can use comfrey for restful sleep and relaxing dreams. As a nutritious vegetable, Purslane can be eaten in Magickal recipes. Make a cucumber and purslane slushie Herbalist Nicholas Culpeper recommended it as a treatment for everything from gonorrhea to vomiting to gunpowder burns. However, it has great potential to become a new . Carry some dried clover in your wallet to bring financial gain your way, or keep it in your pocket when youre at a gaming table. If you're able to gather Buckeyes, you can dry them for future use by placing them on a baking sheet in the oven on low heat (around 200 degrees) for about an hour. Plant bamboo in pots around your house, to bring long life and good health to those who live there. If you dont wish to wear the oil on your skin and its a very strong oil, so you should always dilute it before applying it to the skin then use the leaves instead. Hyssop was sacred to the ancients, in part for its purification properties. Learn Religions, Sep. 20, 2021, Purslane comes from Brazil and Argentina, so the main condition for its normal development and abundant flowering is the sun, it is a very thermophilic and light-loving plant. Associated with love, wealth, and sexual power, patchouli can be used in a variety of magical workings. Mandrake became a popular ingredient in magic because the roots tend to bear a resemblance to the human figure an early example of poppet magic in action. Fun fact: the wordshamrockcomes from the Irish Gaelicseamrog, which means small clover. In Ireland, the three-leafed shamrock has become a national symbol, and represents the Holy Trinity of Catholicism. The rootstock is typically the part of the plant which is used in medicine, and it can be fatal if taken in excessive dosages. It is a warm-climate, herbaceous succulent annual plant with a worldwide distribution belonging to the Portulacaceae family and grows easily and prolifically. Purslane + tomato Similarly, when placed on a child's bed, it would keep away the evil spirits as the child slept. Plant Osage orange seedlings in a line around the perimeter of your yard. However, that didn't stop Raleigh from making a small fortune with tobacco, because Englishmen were willing to buy it. Drinking purslane juice helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Incorporating fresh purslane or purslane supplements can provide additional nutrients into your diet that will benefit your skin and body. Patchouli oil is very strong, and has a deep, musky scent. In addition to its uses in soft-tissue injuries, yarrow is well known as a combatant against fever. Maud Grieve tells us inA Modern Herbalthat the Romans referred to it asherba militaris, the soldier's herb. The Bible tells of the three wise men, who arrived at the manger, and opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. (Matthew 2:11). As they begin to grow, bend and shape them into a hedge. Roman priests used rosemary asincensein religious ceremonies, and many cultures considered it a herb to use as protection from evil spirits and witches. Six times more vitamin E than spinach! Stew with pork in a tomatillo sauce, Mexican-style (puerco con verdolagas) Purslane is also high in magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and age-defying bioflavonoids. Purslane salad with a white dressing (i.e. Although not truly an herb, but a wood, sandalwood is an item found often in modern Pagan rituals. Purslane originally came from India and Iran but has spread worldwide, growing (often unwanted) in gardens and even in sidewalk cracks. Will stop bleeding of wounds, very cleansing to old ulcers and sores Also in liver and kidney troubles." Certainly, this idea may be due in part to the notion that a few hundred years ago, illness was sometimes seen as evidence of demonic influence use the mandrake, get rid of the demon, the illness goes away. Dioscorides, the Greek physician, notes that it had medicinal properties, when its oil was extracted and used to treat spasms and disorders of the digestive system. It also has red stems that grow to 10-25 cm (4-10 inches) long. Make a Simple Magical Herb Bundle to Hang on Your Door, The Magic, History, and Folklore of Sandalwood. There are several different types of hyssop, but most of the have their origins in the Middle East and Europe, and so will grow in many different types of soil. Likewise, tucking a few leaves in your luggage will prevent it from being lost or tampered with. In some Eastern religions, bamboo is the only acceptable material for certain ceremonial objects. Purslane + eggs Because of its powerful and unusual smell, catnip has a strange fascination for cats, who will gnaw it down to the nubs (and roll around on top of it) at any opportunity. Country gardeners andwildcraftersalike knew the value of chamomile. During the Roman Empire, Gaius Plinius Secundus, (called Pliny the Elder), who was a Roman author, a naturalist and natural philosopher, recommended around 50 AD, that people should wear amulets containing purslane to keep evil and sickness at bay. Hence, it is now associated in some cases with recovering owed money. Comfrey has a rich folkloric history as well. Its stems are purplish. It has been included in treatments of eye disease, and is a natural sedative and narcotic. Purslane has the ability to dispel unwholesome energy through the generation of positive energy. That said, plenty of these grow in the wild, and theyve become fairly popular in urban planning as a way of creating tree canopies and green space in areas that suffer from air pollution or poor soil quality. In folk medicine, purslane is used as a wound healing, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic, it helps to relieve inflammation in the bladder, kidney and liver diseases, arthritis, eye diseases. They later learned that the plant has a lot of medicinal use - oregano poultices were applied to insect bites and aching joints. It is listed by the World Health Organization as one of the most used medicinal plants and it has been given the term "Global Panacea". The stems vary in length, commonly up to 12 inches. Purslane salad with chunks of peaches and fresh goat cheese, or with a peach dressing Due to the fact that the ripening of the capsules containing the seeds is very uneven, and when ripe, they immediately crack, for harvesting the seeds they are harvested slightly unripe and laid out on paper. She is the author of Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch, Wicca Practical Magic and The Daily Spell Journal. The Israelites too used hyssop for sprinkling, and in fact passages are noted in Jewish religious texts that explain which variety of hyssop Jews should use. Once the Danes fell into a deep slumber, they were murdered by Scottish troops. It also works nicely as a toning astringent, and peppermint applied to the skin provides a nice refreshing feeling (try a peppermint foot bath at the end of a long day at work!). peaches, nectarines, and plums), Purslane salad with sesame oil, rice vinegar, gomasio, and strips of nori 3.) Rub it for luck right before you roll the dice. Its important to note that there are two different types of mandrake; American and European mandrake are two similar but botanically unrelated plants. Burn leaves to increase wisdom or gain guidance from yourspirit guide(be warned - burning sage does smell similar to marijuana, so keep that in mind if you think the neighbors might be inquisitive). Purslane salad with walnuts, sumac, and grated tomatoes, Serve as a side salad with duck magret almonds and walnuts) InBack to Eden, Jethro Kloss recommends everyone "gather a bagful of camomile blossoms, as they are good for many ailments." It was common to strew crushed hyssop leaves and flowers of around the house, particularly in sickrooms, to hide unpleasant smells - after all, daily bathing was hardly popular. According to Maud Grieve'sA Modern Herbal, there is a saying about catnip: If you set it, the cats will eat it,If you sow it, the cats don't know it. Bamboo is grown in many parts of the world, and because it is both quick to develop and extremely hardy, it has a variety of uses from the mundane to the magical. The violet is alsoassociated with dedication and loyalty. Make green smoothies (purslane will make them creamier) with blueberries, kiwis, peaches, or tropical fruit (its okay to freeze purslane for use in smoothies) Extremely sacred to the druids, when found growing on Oaks it is very magical and is a great catalyst for all spells. 1.) If you don't dry them out, they'll eventually mold, so be sure to dry them if you're planning on long-term storage. This is a pretty common salad you will see all over the Mediterranean. Improves circulation 2. In many agricultural societies, heavy growth of clover was seen as a sign of fertile farmland however, this may be because clover is a favorite snack of cows and sheep, which then leave droppings, creating healthy and strong soil. It appears in the Icelandic Pharmacopoeias around 1240 C.E., and eventually was accepted for use in western Europe around the mid-1700s. Purslane is full of beta-carotene, the pigment responsible for the reddish color of its stems and leaves. Cut an apple in half and count the seeds -- an even number means marriage is coming, an uneven number indicates that you'll remain single for a while. Anywandor staff made from it is bound to last you a good long time, and can be used in spells associated with endurance, strength and longevity. Hang a bundle over your door to keep negative entities away, or plant it in your front yard, around the edge of your property. grilled corn and a creamy avocado dressing, Now Reading: The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer. In other legends, Jupiter changed his lover, Io, into a heifer to protect him from thejealous rages of Juno and violets sprouted up in the field so Io would have something to eat. No Buckeye trees near you? In addition to being a total treat for your furry friends, catnip has a lot of medical benefits too. Purslane is very unpretentious, it does not require weeding (most often, you will have to suppress its aggressive aspirations, thanks to self-seeding, it is able to cover large areas in a short time, especially vegetable purslane), loosening the soil or pruning. InA Modern Herbal, Maud Grieve recommends a wet tobacco leaf be applied to piles (hemorrhoids), or rolled into a suppository for a strangulated hernia. In some parts of the world, purslane is used medicinally to treat burns, headaches, stomachaches, coughs, arthritis and other health problems. Purslane and almond soup, adapted from this green bean and almond soup, A Moroccan-style cooked salad In a mixborder, purslane is usually planted as a foreground plant, and in arid places as a curb plant. Simopoulos and N. Salem, Purslane: a terrestrial source of omega-3 fatty acids. New England Journal of Medicine, September 25, 1986, Exclusive Lifestyle, Nutrition & Health Advice. In other words, sage is pretty much the go-to herb for a number of ailments. In Celtic myth, an apple branch bearing grown fruit, flowers, and unopened bud was a magical key to the land of the Underworld. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, P.O. Purslane spanakopita Try adding some leaves, stems or flowers the next time you make a green salad! Native Americantribes used mugwort leaves to rub on ones body as protection from ghosts. When you come across a plant that is so outstanding, it makes you wonder how on earth it has been overlooked. The Buckeye has been associated for years withmoney and prosperity, particularly when it comes to gambling. *Safety tip: Comfrey can be toxic to cats, but because its so fragrant, they love to nibble on it. Common purslane. summer crops. Ive gathered 45 purslane recipes for you and hope youll add your own favorites in the comments section! Purslane + chili pepper Purslane possesses anti-inflammatory activity. Hang bundles on your front door to keep harmful people, like burglars, from entering. Unless otherwise noted, all photos, texts, and recipes are copyright Clotilde Dusoulier 2003-2023. The use of comfrey leaves as a poultice for injuries and inflammation became popular during the Middle Ages. To do this, up to 1 cm of fine gravel is poured onto the bottom of a small drainage container. Purslane is planted (planting, the photo is given below, is carried out when the seedlings reach 5 cm in height and the presence of at least 10 leaves) after the end of night frosts. The nuts typically begin dropping around mid- to late August, and have usually fallen completely within about three to four weeks. Doctors have used an infusion of comfrey tea as a drink for their patients who suffered from pulmonary ailments, including whooping cough. To bring about prophecy and divinatory success, make an incense of mugwort to burn at your workspace, or use it in smudge sticks around the area in which you are performing divination rituals. It's also a symbol of the harvest, and is frequently found on altars duringMabon celebrations. Chamomile is known as an herb of purification and protection, and can be used in incenses for sleep andmeditation. Tobacco leaves were often applied to stop bleeding, and in the Lowcountry of South Carolina, tobacco is well-known as relief for the pain of jellyfish stings. It feels good on stony soils, with its help you can get a flower carpet, both on flat slopes and on slopes. Practitioners ofsome forms of Stregheriabrew an oregano tea and then use it to wash down the outer walls of homes, forming a protective barrier against negative energy. Hung up in the home, hyssop can rid a house of negativity. It has been . Place some in a sachet and tuck it under your pillow at bedtime, or keep a pot of live comfrey on your nightstand so you can enjoy the scent as you go to sleep each night.*. Like the American mandrake, the root can be poisonous. For medicinal purposes, purslane was used in ancient times, its leaves and shoots are used for vitamins A, E, C, PP, K, as well as easily digestible proteins, carbohydrates, carotene, organic acids, saponins, mineral, and slimy salts. In the tenth century, Arab physicians said that sage brought about immortality, or at the very least, a long and healthy life. He says that people leap across the smoke, "driving it towards the orchards and crops," as a method of protecting the year's harvest from damage. If you want your lover to be constant and true, offer a bundle of violets as a gift or plant a patch in front of the persons home! On a magical level, lets take a look at the above - if the Osage orange contains a chemical that keeps unwanted critters out, and has been used as a barrier in the past by early American settlers, how can we translate that into a magical use? Who should use it: In general, purslane has a wide range of benefits and can be used by everyone, including those with sensitive skin. Noted herbalist Nicolas Culpeper recommends "a decoction made with the flowers of Lavender, Horehound, Fennel and Asparagus root, and a little Cinnamon" to help with epilepsy and other disorders of the brain. The Buckeye, oraesculus glabra, is found in many Midwestern areas, including Ohio, which is nicknamed the Buckeye State. In Chinese herbal medicine, purslane is used as a remedy for diarrhea, bacterial dysentery, fever and urinary tract infections, and sometimes for appendicitis. Chamomile is known as an herb of purification and protection, and can be used in incenses for sleep and meditation. 2023 all rights reserved by Organic Authority, Inc, and can not be reproduced without permission in writing. Because of the nature of human migration patterns, tobacco use became prevalent in the mountain regions of the eastern United States, and is found in a number of traditional folk remedies. There is a German legend that the plant belongs to the Devil himself, and that he goes about tending it all year long - except for onWalpurgisnacht, when he is preparing for the witches sabbat. Buckeyes are associated with financial abundance and money magic. The reddish stems originate from a central rooting point, radiating out like spokes of a wheel. Interestingly, there's a Yoruba folktale in which all of the plants in the forest refused to pay off their gambling debts -- except for Purslane, which paid the money it owed. Add garlic and saute for another minute. The Sumerians used it as an antiseptic, and in Egypt, thyme was one of the herbs which was used in the mummification process. Although it is likely native to North Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent, it had reached North America by pre-Columbian times and was in Europe by the late 16th century. American mandrake, or mayapple, can be found growing on many forest floors. Very rarely, thrips can appear on the plant-insect pests that suck the plant sap, which is why silvery specks form on the leaves. During the Middle Ages, monks -- who were known for their herbal wisdom -- used peppermint leaves to polish their teeth. Her focus is on fresh, colorful, and seasonal foods, making room for both wholesome, nourishing dishes and sweet treats. The flowering period of purslane begins in June and lasts until the first frost. Peppermint is a natural stimulant, and inBack to Eden, Jethro Kloss says it should be in every garden. 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