Finally, he is charged with being a felon in possession of an American Tactical Imports multi-caliber pistol; a Great Lakes Firearms and Ammunition multi-caliber pistol; a Ruger American .45 auto caliber pistol; a Glock .357 caliber pistol; a Canik 9X19 caliber pistol, and 70 rounds of ammunition. Federal Grand Jury A Indictments Announced- July 2022 United States Attorney Clint Johnson today announced the results of the July 2022 Federal Grand Jury A. The Grand Jury will meet during the sixth week of each term. Assistant U.S. We believe that an informed Mississippi is a better Mississippi. Our top headlines each morning, seven days a week, as well as each weekday afternoon. In October, a forensic audit revealed new details about the states welfare spending, but because the News did not cooperate with the audit, the accountants could not parse out exactly what happened to $40 million the New nonprofit spent. The return of an indictment is a method of informing a defendant of alleged violations of federal law, which must be proven in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt to overcome a defendants presumption of innocence. Gulfport, Sign up to view our weekly e-editions each Wednesday with just a click. Any amount helps us keep producing quality journalism for Mississippi. The Grand Larceny charge is alleged to have occurred on or about April 20, 2022, in Wetzel County. Aug. 9, 2022 NASHVILLE A grand jury in Mississippi examining the case of Emmett Till, a 14-year-old Black boy whose abduction and killing more than six decades ago became a galvanizing. This outcome is unfortunate, but predictable, news, he said in the statement. 22-CR-205, Joshua Wayne Willis. December 30, 2022 The Stark County Grand Jury previously reported indictments of the following individual(s) who have now been arraigned in Court: Rachael Stafanie Harting, 49, 722 North Ave NE, Massillon . Error! The defendants laptop also revealed he had conducted a google search on how to enter a home undetected. The crimes are alleged to have been committed on or about August 1, 2021 and August 2, 2021. The latest came this summer as relatives of Emmett and researchers looking into his murder unearthed an arrest warrant for Ms. Donham issued by the Leflore County sheriff and dated Aug. 29, 1955 that had never been served. The companies, Prevacus and PreSolMD, were started by Florida scientist Jake Vanlandingham. The County elected officials are elected by the tax paying residents of Harrison County to perform specific functions within the County. It includes a true bill from the grand jury or a bill of information in lieu thereof. Assistant U.S. Attorney William Rubens is prosecuting the case. Grand jury returns 104 indictments, 51 arraigned. Bryant Donham is in her late 80s. Local prosecutors presented newly discovered evidence in the case -- including an old arrest warrant with Donham's name on it from back then -- but after 7 hours of listening the jurors felt it wasn't sufficient to bring forth any charges. Record Management Program as guided by section 25-60-5 Mississippi Code Annotated, 1972, which includes a $1.00 fee to all documents filed as public record. Any web site our stories appear on must include a contact for your organization. Emmett's family has been calling for her to pay for what she started, but now it seems she'll escape prosecution. Indictments are filed with the district clerk for the county where the offense occurred. This year, we'll keep working to fulfill our promise of holding public officials accountable and getting you reliable answers to the hard questions. (e) "Indictment" is a written statement charging the defendant(s) named therein with the commission of an indictable offense, presented to the court by a grand jury, endorsed "A True Bill," and signed by the foreperson. The Mississippi Supreme Court is the court of last resort among state courts. Larry Wayne Turner, 35, of 836 Cripple Creek Road in Williamsburg . The list of suspects indicted from the last grand jury includes: Jeffrey Darrell Jones was indicted for five drug charges. If youre not able to add the byline, please include a line at the top of the story that reads: This story was originally published by Mississippi Today and include our website, You cannot republish our editorial cartoons, photographs, illustrations or graphics without specific permission (contact our managing editor. You can help this work continue by starting a new recurring donation of any amount today! With your help, we've gotten a lot done but we're not finished yet! Sign up to view our weekly e-editions each Wednesday with just a click. The fact remains that the people who abducted, tortured and murdered Emmett did so in plain sight, he added, and our American justice system was and continues to be set up in such a way that they could not be brought to justice for their heinous crimes.. Robert Lee Brown, of 431 North Railroad Avenue, Sistersville, WVa, is charged by the Wetzel County Grand Jury with one felony count of Entry of a building other than a dwelling and one misdemeanor charge of petit larceny. 22-CR-235, Rodney Joe Smith. The state has also asked Hinds County Circuit Court Judge Faye Peterson to postpone the New case, which is set for trial on Feb. 7, to give the grand jury enough time to convene. Court documents report that in each of the five counts, Jones allegedly sold the narcotics to a confidential information. Are you a Pontotoc Progress subscriber? As with all criminal investigations, grand jury proceedings are secret. Ms. Donhams husband at the time, Roy Bryant, and his half brother, J.W. Daniel Christopher Edwards. The Till family said the account was rife with inaccuracies. Lloyd Eugene Shreve, of 3884 Buffalo Road, Jacksonburg, WVa, is charged in a two count felony indictment by the Wetzel County Grand Jury with wnaton endangerment involving a firearm. Defendants arraigned last week and their respective charge(s) included: -Antonio Sanchez Williams, felony fleeing; -William Odell Smith, Jr., failure to register-change address; -Elvy Claude Moore, Jr., failure to timely re-register; -Dottie Mae Ferguson, malicious mischief; -David Lee Goree, possession marijuana with intent; -Yasha Monique Lockridge, possession cocaine; -Antonio Maurice Townsend, simple assault-law enforcement officer or other; -Jessica Ashley Ruth, uttering a forgery; -Franklin Tyler Gregory, felony fleeing and malicious mischief; -Michael Stewart, three counts sexual battery-under 14; -Zada Alexis Akers, child endangerment-test positive for controlled substance; -Lazerick Cardell Travis, felony fleeing. This has become a numbers case, Nancy New told reporters in November of 2020, before a judge issued the first gag order. He also created a fake profile on a dating app purporting to be the victim, and the victim began receiving phone calls, texts, and unsolicited images from men who claimed to have met her online. He is further charged with possessing with intent to distribute heroin. A LOCALLY OWNED NEWSPAPER DEDICATED TO THE SERVICE OF GOD AND MANKIND. 22-CR-389. It is not to be considered evidence of guilt. All crimes are alleged to have occurred between November 1, 2022 and November 22, 2022, in Wetzel County. Clardis Edward Galloway was indicted for one count of possession of a controlled substance methamphetamine. David is managing editor of the Pontotoc Progress. Over the last two years, welfare agency officials and the auditors office have expressed their difficulty following the money. . County Court: All County Court jurors summoned for jury duty to appear in Gulfport for the week of January 9th are fully and finally discharged. If you share our stories on social media, please tag us in your posts using. 22-CR-390, Hatcher Raymond Day. A pair of indictments including one that was sealed was handed down by the Montague County Grand Jury last week.John David Hancock, 64, homeless, indicted for possession of a controlled substance less than one gram, a state jail felony. The recent motion suggests the state expects a grand jury to hand down new criminal indictments against the News, which will likely have many parallels to the first. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcements Enforcement and Removal Operations and the U.S. James Arthur Berry. Milam later took Emmett from his bed in the middle of the night, ordered him into the back of a pickup and beat him before shooting him in the head and tossing his body into the Tallahatchie River. Unlawful Reentry of a Removed Alien. Are you a New Albany Gazette subscriber? Weekly recaps during Mississippi's annual legislative session, plus breaking alerts and weekly updates throughout the year, from our state politics team. Are you ready for some Viva Magenta? Indictments and court dates are matters of public record. McLennan County grand jury indictments: Nov. 22, 2022 Nov 22, 2022 0 The following people were indicted Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2022 by a McLennan County grand jury. Jason Alan Williams, of 1298 Wise Acres Road, New Martinsville, WVa, is charged in an eight count felony indictment handed down by the Wetzel County Grand Jury. A Leflore County grand jury last week heard seven hours of testimony from investigators and witnesses but said there was insufficient evidence to indict Carolyn Bryant Donham on charges of kidnapping and manslaughter, according to a statement from District Attorney Dewayne Richardson. In an unpublished memoir that surfaced last month, Ms. Donham stood by her earlier description of events and said she had tried to discourage her husband from harming the teenager. Receipt and Distribution of Child Pornography. Both crimes are alleged to have occurred on or about September 12, 2022 in Wetzel County. The Muscogee Nation Lighthorse Tribal Police Department is the investigative agency. Kidnapping in Indian Country. Start a recurring donation of any amount to further this work and help hold public officials and those in power accountable. Charles Edward Schmalz, of 191 North State Route 2, New Martinsville, WVa, is charged by the Wetzel County Grand Jury in a 17 count felony indictment with six counts of use of obscene matter with intent to seduce a minor, and 11 counts of soliciting a minor via computer. -Edward Coleman, Sr., shooting into dwelling; conspiracy; -Robert Lee Vaughn, shooting into dwelling; conspiracy; -Arial JaLeeya Mix, aggravated domestic violence-weapon; -James Kendall Chrestman, aggravated assault-weapon; -Jeffrey Ryan Parmer, possession meth-gun enhancement; -Chandler Lee Coleman, burglary of dwelling-larceny; -Jessica Judon, two counts sale of cocaine; -Devin Snow, introducing contraband into jail; conspiracy; -Camron Davidson, possession of marijuana with intent; -Jeffrey Parmer, possession of firearm by felon; Jordan Barton, possession meth; felony fleeing; Success! The grand jury handed down indictments on a total of 42 true bills during the December term. Malone and the victim were arguing when Malone allegedly shot him. Denton County Grand Jury Indictments: Oct. 27, 2022 Denton County Grand Jury Indictments: Oct. 20, 2022 Get the latest crime stories in our newsletter We prefer Author Name, Mississippi Today in the byline. Friday night high school football recaps and breaking updates from our Northeast Mississippi preps sports team. Attorneys Nathan E. Michel and Ryan H. Heatherman are prosecuting the case. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. But the case was closed in December after the DOJs Civil Rights Division concluded it could not prove Bryant Donham had lied. All are said to have occurred in Wetzel County. He came in our store and put his hands on me with no provocation, she wrote. Mississippis rich football history includes Heidelbergs Thomas, Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and Tulsa Police Department are the investigative agencies. The crime is alleged to have been committed on or about January 8, 2022 in Wetzel County. A note on the back of the warrant says Bryant Donham was not arrested because she could not be located at the time, according to the New York Times, which cited filmmaker Keith A. Beauchamp, who was part of the team that discovered the warrant. George McElroy, 50 of Spelter, who was charged with malicious assault and strangulation over a June 2020 incident in Doddridge County, was indicted in Harrison County for Burning or Attempting to Burn Insured Property and Intimidation of a Witness. Fifty-one of the defendants were arraigned on Monday, February 7, while defendants in 53 of the indictments remain secret pending arrest and bonding. Before joining the staff at Mississippi Today in September of 2018, Anna worked for three years at Clarion Ledger, Mississippis statewide daily newspaper. Giraldi, 44, of Joplin, allegedly possessed with intent to distribute Oxycodone and Clonazepam on April 19, 2022. If you forget it, you'll be able to recover it using your email address. All Rights Reserved. The DOJ, which had already re-examined and closed the case in 2007, reopened the probe into Emmetts killing in 2018. Stalking; Evidence Tampering. (Markers erected at sites connected to his death have repeatedly been vandalized.). Edwards allegedly told several individuals that if he was approached, he would push a button that would be worse than a bomb. Finally, he was also charged in this superseding indictment with possessing a unregistered destructive device in furtherance of a crime of violence. Ms. Donham, who is 88, could not immediately be reached. He was tortured and shot, a 75-pound fan from a cotton gin was tied around his neck, and he was thrown into the Tallahatchie River. Investigators exhumed Emmetts body. He is further charged with being in possession of a weapon made from an Essex Gun Works 12-gauge shotgun having a barrel of less than 18 inches in length and not registered to him in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record. Carolyn Bryant Donham had accused the 14-year-old boy of whistling at her in 1955. Gutierrez-Valezquez, 28, a Mexican national, is charged with being in the United States unlawfully and possessing a Ruger 9 mm caliber semi-automatic handgun and six rounds of ammunition. Help keep the momentum going by rejoining our member community today. Edwards, 48, of Tulsa, is charged with possessing a destructive device on Oct. 5, 2022, that had not been registered to him in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record. Christopher Decorion Schneider was indicted for one count of a drive-by shooting. Assistant U.S. For Mera, Elias, Gabriel, and Abigail, the indictments state the children were killed "by means of strangulation and/or other violent means or instruments." The offense occurred on December 6, 2021. Mailing Address. Both men are dead. Four days later, Roy Bryant and J.W. Copy and paste this code into your website. May 12, 2022 99 for 30 days Subscribe The following people are among those who have been indicted by the most recent session of the Union County Grand Jury, which met Thursday, March. 22-CR-384. Sean Christopher Sabo, of 9615 Hornet Highway, Littleton, WVa, is charged by the Wetzel County Grand Jury in a two count felony indictment of Malicious Assault and Grand Larceny. That part is not true, he quoted her as saying. To formally charge someone with a felony, or indict that person, a grand jury must return a true bill. Bond was set at $3,000.Mary Iona Thomason, 17, Bowie, [] The Loudoun school board reviewed a grand jury report that faulted the district for its handling of two sexual assault cases as a former superintendent and an official on leave appeared in court . Send me email updates and offers from TMZ and its Affiliates. Gulfport, MS 39501. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Download the TMZ App on the Apple App Store, Download the TMZ App on the Google Play Store. Assistant U.S. Attorney Edward Snow is prosecuting the case. There was an error and we couldn't process your subscription. Dec 2, 2021 Updated Jan 6, 2023. Bond return for the indictments returned by the February 2022 term of the Randolph County Grand Jury will be on March 9 at 1:30 p.m. when bond will be set and trial dates will be determined. Published: Jan. 18, 2022 at 7:02 PM PST. (WLBT) - A Hinds County grand jury has indicted Nancy and Zachary New on forty-six counts related to their alleged role in a multi-million dollar embezzlement scandal involving federal welfare money, including racketeering, the county's assistant district attorney revealed during a court . Nov 14, 2022. Help us combat the proliferation of sexual exploitation crimes against children. by Anna Wolfe, Mississippi Today January 13, 2022, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.
. Robbery in Indian Country; Assault with a Dangerous Weapon with Intent to do Bodily Harm in Indian Country; Assault with Intent to Commit a Felony in Indian Country; Carrying, Using, and Brandishing a Firearm During and in Relation to a Crime of Violence; Carjacking. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and Delaware County Sheriffs Office conducted the investigation. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Count two charges him with the misdemeanor offense of battery, and count three charges him with the misdemeanor offense of battery. That came after federal officials had launched an investigation in 2004 as his family and others maintained that other people had been involved in the lynching. Assistant U.S. Attorney George Jiang is prosecuting the case. Anna has received national recognition for her work, including the 2021 Goldsmith Prize for Investigative Reporting, the 2021 Collier Prize for State Government Accountability, the 2021 John Jay/Harry Frank Guggenheim Excellence in Criminal Justice Reporting Award, the 2020 Al Neuharth Innovation in Investigative Journalism Award and the February 2020 Sidney Award for reporting on Mississippis debtors prisons. The FBI and Tulsa Police Department are the investigative agencies. CNNs Amy Simonson, Jamiel Lynch, Sara Sidner, Tina Burnside, Dakin Andone, Devon Sayers, Elizabeth Joseph and Eliott C. McLaughlin contributed to this report. Knighten is further charged with pointing a firearm at a second victim when he stole the mans Toyota Tundra pickup truck that contained numerous professional tools. Search this site . His mother allowed photographs of his mangled corpse to be published by Jet magazine, transforming Emmett into an enduring reflection of vicious racism. He is charged in all eight counts with wanton endangerment involving a firearm. A Mississippi grand jury declined to indict two sheriff's deputies whose suspect, Damien Cameron, died in custody. They kept their promise by bringing this latest piece of evidence before the grand jury. Goana-Gonzalez, 37, a Mexican national, is charged with unlawfully being in the United States after having been removed on Sept. 9, 2008, near Hidalgo, Texas. Attorneys Kenneth Elmore and Nathan E. Michel are prosecuting the case. She received the National Press Foundations 2020 Poverty and Inequality Award. Assault with Intent to Commit Murder in Indian Country; Assault with a Dangerous Weapon with Intent to do Bodily Harm in Indian Country; Carrying, Using, and Brandishing a Firearm During and in Relation to a Crime of Violence. Shasta Marie Gray, of 367 Dry Run Road, Sistersville, WVa, was handed down a six count felony indictment charging her with the crimes of Forgery and Uttering. The First Circuit Court District of Mississippi provides this court calendar as a public service and the information contained therein is for general informational purposes only. Count one charges him with the felony offense of Burglary. Assistant U.S. A year later, a grand jury combined their charges into one case. Roy Bryant and J.W. 11 OF 16 INDICTMENTS WERE FOR DRUG CHARGES; REST WERE FOR STEALING AND RUNNING AWAY FROM COPS JUNE 29, 2022 - written by WADE QUEEN The Lawrence County Grand Jury during its May meeting sessions returned 16 indictments against 15 individuals on Thursday May 26, 2022. 1st Judicial District. The auditors office declined to comment for this story. There was a problem saving your notification. The defendant threw rocks at her vehicle, cracked her windshield, followed her and falsely reported her for reckless driving. Fifty-one of the . The State of Mississippi has conducted a through (sic) investigation of the financial and corporate records of the Defendant Nancy New, her Co-Defendant, Zachary New, as well the various corporations in which those defendants hold either ownership or directorship interests or positions in, the states latest motion reads. All three offenses are alleged to have occurred between June 1, 2015 and December 31, 2016 in Wetzel County. Three charges him with the misdemeanor offense of battery, and his half brother, J.W you... All crimes are alleged to have occurred in Wetzel County the December.... One count of possession of a drive-by shooting, he was also charged in this superseding indictment with with! Your email address done but we 're not finished yet evidence mississippi grand jury indictments 2022 guilt better Mississippi 2. Cripple Creek Road in Williamsburg dec 2, 2021 misdemeanor offense of Burglary exploitation crimes against children someone... 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