In addition to that, shes a former member of the Oakland City Council. She equipped an entire generation of children with college savings accounts and universal preschool. Schaaf said the biggest challenges from her time in office are the problems she inherited from previous administrations from deteriorating roads with no plans to fix them to a non-existent response to homelessness. in political science from Rollins College and a J.D. I'm a Black woman and a co-founder of the Anti Police-Terror Project. Is that fair for an overall eight year period? Despite the unrelenting challenges of these times, we made historic accomplishments together. Chelsea Andrews (left) of EveryOne Home and Schaaf participate in Februarys homeless count around Lake Merritt. "I have every confidence that the A's and the new mayor, Sheng Thao, will get this deal done," she said. Schaaf said the biggest challenges from her time in office are the problems she inherited from previous administrations from deteriorating roads with no plans to fix them to a non-existent response to homelessness. She could have given speeches decrying the "defund" movement as the lie it was, and calling out the likes of . The department is tantalizing close to ending nearly 20 years under federal oversight in May, if it can continue to comply with court-mandated reforms. In 2016, Schaaf wrote a voter-approved $600 million bond measure that helped fund street improvements. People tend to be remembered by the end of their administration and if that Oakland Chamber of Commerce poll is any indication, shes not being well-remembered, said Dan Lindheim, a former city administrator and current professor at UC Berkeleys Goldman School of Public Policy. That is the only pathway to a safe and healthy Oakland where all of us can thrive. Its the kind of foundational investments that she did in her tenure that will bear fruit for the city of Oakland in the long-term, Moss said. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. By October, that had plummeted to 35%. In South African townships oppressed because of unemployment, crime, drugs and violence, and where many of the population are suffering from HIV and Aids, this inspiring feature-length documentary follows the journey of six people who transform themselves through yoga, and documents the impact that yoga has on their families, and communities. This year violent deaths are nearly on par with last year as of Tuesday. However, she doesnt only do social works to gain peoples trust. Rep. Katie Porter of Orange County announces she'll run for the Senate seat held by Dianne Feinstein, who at 89 is not expected to seek reelection in 2024. A member of the Democratic Party, she previously served on the Oakland City Council. As a politician, she needs to maintain a healthy image in the crowd. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. And with the passage of Measure U, an $850 million bond measure that Schaaf co-wrote with council President Nikki Fortunato Bas, the city will have more money to put toward creating affordable housing. But, he said, She should get real credit. In any big city, the key to successful policymaking begins with effective politicking. $5 million for each longtime Black resident? From 2010 to 2020, the city population increased by 50,000, but the Black population shrank by 14% and the number of Black youth under 18 decreased by 29%. It helps people lend their money through the Internet to low-income entrepreneurs and students in over 80 countries. Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf got on her knees for Black Lives Matter amidst the Floyd riots last year and scolded all white police officers as evil racists and oppressors of innocent black people before wholeheartedly embracing the "Defund the Police" movement. A year later, her Drake-backed fried chicken chain opens first Oakland restaurant this week. A member of the Democratic Party, she previously served on the Oakland City Council. As the town awakened that February morning and more people flocked to the lake for their daily jog or walk, a woman approached Schaaf. Updated to include drought zones while tracking water shortage status of your area, plus reservoir levels and a list of restrictions for the Bay Areas largest water districts. While Schaaf ushered in a building boom, Lindheim said the housing crisis in Oakland is worse than ever., They grossly under-performed targets of moderate housing and they greatly over-performed targets of market rate housing, Lindheim said. In 2016, Schaaf wrote a voter-approved $600 million bond measure that helped fund street improvements. Schaaf failed to expand MACRO, a model for mental health emergency support to Oaklanders that does not lead with law enforcement, and which could free up officers to handle actual crime. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. It was her most-consequential failing. Some of the highest vacancy rates are in key city functions about 30% of jobs in the building department are open and nearly a third of positions in the transportation department are open. Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf CBS It was fitting that her last press conference would be about a program for universal preschool access. Her political allies on the council when she became mayor were all eventually ousted or opted not to seek reelection. Her name wasnt on the ballot, but the 2022 Oakland elections were a disaster for outgoing Mayor Libby Schaaf, the culmination of her eight-year fall from grace. Email: Twitter: @SarRavani. For more news and updates about your favorite stars, please stay connected with us atFeatured Biography. My general sense is if Libby cant do it, boy, its going to be hard for anybody because she really had the experience, the skills and the general chops to be able to do it.. Learn how your comment data is processed. The IRS announced you can file your taxes starting Jan. 23. Other legal experts pointed to similar policies in cities like New York, which have been ruled constitutional. ICEs acting director Thomas Homan stated that ICE failed to arrest around 800 people because of the alert. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. While market rate housing is constructed for new residents, Oakland has become the third most expensive city in the country for renters, and Black Oaklanders especially face overwhelming displacement pressures. Once again, lots of folks tout themselves as progressives, but just like Schaaf they are neoliberals co-opting language that they hope will fool voters and get them elected. S.F. As a Black woman I never want to tear other Black people down, but Schaaf has endorsed Loren Taylor for mayor, and his values, which align with Libby Schaaf, are not the values that will support marginalized people in Oakland. We cannot afford another year of the Schaaf neoliberal nightmare. There are those on the left who also respect the financial realities, such as Schaaf and Loren Taylor, the self-described pragmatic progressive councilmember who ran unsuccessfully to succeed her. That dissatisfaction also extended to the citys leadership 42% of the polls respondents rated Schaafs performance poorly. Schaaf nodded her head and told the woman that the city has nearly quadrupled its shelter bed capacity over the last eight years. Officers say theyre overwhelmed by call volume, and data shows the majority of these calls are for noncriminal events such as issues related to homelessness and mental health. Residents are mostly split in their opinions of Schaaf. Required fields are marked *. Under Schaafs watch, Oakland Public Works has downplayed and covered up toxic sewage leaks into city creeks and Lake Merritt. built in 1966 and renovated in 1996, has been plagued by noted sewage issues over recent years, lighting problems and low attendance. The outcomes and conditions in the city arent as positive as anybody would like. His candidacy was always a longshot, especially given his troubled two-decade tenure on the council, but it sucked up more than $500,000 of outside spending that could have helped Taylor counter more than $700,000 of independent expenditures for Thao. [22][23][24] In her announcement,[25] Mayor Schaaf said that the focus will be on, "sustainable strategies that can bring needed change quickly to city streets. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. In the citys housing element from 2015 to 2023, which lays out how a city will plan for new homes, Oakland reached 174% of its goal for above-moderate-rate housing. Miss Manners: Must I resist my urge when I'm told to have a blessed day? The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Why hasnt it She failed to save her daughter from fentanyls grip. Also See: Grab all the details about Jane Pauley, her net worth, and married life. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Its a humanitarian crisis, Schaaf said. In addition to repaving, Schaaf created a Department of Transportation and a 311 system that residents can call to report potholes and damaged roads. it's the highest highs and lowest lows," Schaaf said. Moreover, she never capitalized on her early popularity and the bully pulpit of the mayoral post to build an effective fund-raising and grassroots political operation that could be mobilized in support of political allies. All housing helps the homeless crisis and all housing at all income levels has helped slow gentrification and displacement of Oaklanders, Schaaf said in a recent interview with The Chronicle. Meanwhile, homelessness is worse. "Libby Schaaf will go down as one of the worst mayors in Oakland's . Rather they split between progressives. The outcomes and conditions in the city arent as positive as anybody would like. And respondents were overwhelmingly concerned with gun violence 97% said its an extremely or very serious problem, and 88% said the same about crime. When it came to the mayoral race this year, Schaafs popularity was so tarnished that business leaders who shared her concern about a labor takeover of city government failed to unify behind a candidate, and some dismissed Taylors candidacy because he was endorsed by Schaaf. That is understandable because that is what developers want to build, but thats not necessarily what Oakland needs.. She led Oakland through not easy times.. After the rally, demonstrators began to march onto the street. Outside the Oakland Mayor's office, there is a photo gallery of all the bearded, stern-faced men who have served in the past 168 years. She referenced them as she looked back on her time in office. At best, her tenure has been mixed, said Jim Ross, a political consultant based in Oakland. Executive director of EveryOne Home Chelsea Andrews (left) and Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf walk together as they count homeless people around Lake Merritt in February. We did not have a structure in place to deal with it. Her name wasn't on the ballot, but the 2022 Oakland elections were a disaster for outgoing Mayor Libby Schaaf, the culmination of her eight-year fall from grace. Get Morning Report and other email newsletters. Under Schaafs watch, displacement has accelerated drastically. Elizabeth Beckman Schaaf (born November 12, 1965) is an American politician who has been Mayor of Oakland, California since 2015. As an Oakland native, the town is a roadmap of Schaafs life history: Its where she grew up as the daughter of a shoe salesman and a flight attendant, where she graduated from Skyline High School and where she raised her two kids. This tool lets you decide, Two major shifts sparked mental health crisis for California's LGBTQ youth, Heres everything you can bid on as the Twitter auction begins, Your Privacy Choices (Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads). 16. [36] According to the project's website, the income is funded by private philanthropic donations. Finally, when needed, we were unafraid to throw a few PUNCHES for Oakland and her values: We stood up against President Trump when he attacked our city and threatened Oakland's beloved immigrants. Before the sun rose on a brisk February morning, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf looked around Lake Merritt and counted the number of people sleeping on the street for the bieennial point-in-time count. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Her style was that of a practical progressive; vocal on social justice issues, but also determined to deal with real-world problems. Political experts say that while Oakland is grappling with major issues the housing and homelessness crises and violent crime Schaaf deserves credit for leading the city through some of its toughest times, including the pandemic. The chambers poll also found that 97% of respondents said homelessness is either an extreme or very serious problem. She has made good on the promise to invest in police: The Oakland Police Departments share of the Oakland General Fund ballooned from $194 million per year, in the last budget put forward by Schaaf's predecessor, to $353 million per year in 2022-23 an 80% increase in just eight years. Which Bay Area city is best for you? [1] Schaaf won the November 4, 2014 Oakland mayoral election in the 14th round in ranked choice voting with 62.79% of the vote. Bas said council members regularly hear from residents about their frustration with the lack of services trash, illegal dumping and sanitation and said its been a significant problem. Hear the latest economic, business and market news, as well as global, national, and local news. Her stop at the police department wasn't just symbolism it was a signal to the police that they were her top priority. Sarah Ravani is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Universal Pre-school Access for all 3 and 4 year olds within a decade, funded by the voter-approved parcel tax Measure AA. It was fitting that her last press conference would be about a program for universal preschool access. He pointed out the citys facing the highest levels of crime and violence in a decade, a massive increase in homelessness, a potential financial collapse and the loss of more than a third of Oaklands Black population. As she comes to the end of her eight-year term, the Oakland. The Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf Net Worth as of 2020 But the reticence was reinforced by Schaafs lack of a political organization to support campaigns. Schaaf also built and ran the first centralized volunteer program for Oakland public schools at theMarcus Foster Institute. Schaaf presided over a city that has gone through a complete transformation, from a housing boom to exploding homelessness. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Libby had disappointed so many people., De La Fuente finished a distant third. She repaved 161 miles of the citys crumbling roadways, but residents complain about the amount of trash on city streets in the span of one year, enough garbage landed on city streets to cover the length of 13 football fields. But later, as gun violence in the city swelled, Schaaf was stymied politically in her attempts to increase money for police. And there are moments of unbelievable tragedy and grief, like presiding over the Ghost Ship tragedy.". Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Two sports teams left the city, and a third, the Oakland As, has threatened to leave if their proposed multibillion-dollar waterfront ballpark and surrounding development doesnt move forward. She also built and ran the first centralized volunteer program for Oakland public schools at the Marcus Foster Institute. In addition to that, she's a former member of the Oakland City Council. Email: Twitter: @SarRavani. The number of units the city was supposed to build is greater than the number of unhoused people, while the Town spends 10 times as much on police as it does on housing. By nearly every metric, she has decreased community safety and increased human suffering of those already most marginalized. She serves on the Leadership Council at Kiva, a non-profit organization that allows people to lend money via the Internet to low-income entrepreneurs and students in over 80 countries. But, as Schaaf stood by passively, Oakland labor leaders over the past eight years built a potent campaign organization that financially and organizationally dominated the 2022 election. Libby Schaaf is an American politician and member of the Democratic Party. Before joining the Oakland City Council in 2010, Schaaf served as the Economic Policy Advisor for the council for a year. Those times also include overseeing a police department plagued with a sex scandal and that once cycled through three police chiefs in just nine days in 2016. The Department of Transportation assumed some responsibilities formerly held by Oakland Public Works, such as road design, resurfacing and maintenance. 2022-12-11 - Daniel Borenstein is editor of the East Bay Times opinion pages. She equipped an entire generation of children with college savings accounts and universal preschool. Schaaf's first roles in local government were as legislative aide to Oakland City Council president Ignacio De La Fuente[10] and special assistant to Oakland mayor Jerry Brown. Schaaf, 54, grew up in Oaklands District 4, where she attended Head-Royce School and Skyline High School. Despite those advances, some city leaders criticized Schaafs administration for failing to deliver basic city services. But she paid a price for her pragmatism. Lets learn more about her in todays article. Its the kind of foundational investments that she did in her tenure that will bear fruit for the city of Oakland in the long-term, Moss said. has a bold reparations 17 cars broken into on a single night in this San Francisco neighborhood. Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf (left) and her assistant, Sun Kwong Sze, wave to honking motorists as they stand at the intersection of 82nd and Bancroft avenues during a Ceasefire Night Walk in 2020. [11], In 2006, Schaaf joined the Port of Oakland as the Director of Public Affairs,[12] helping to secure state and federal funding for the city of Oakland, as well as directing all strategic communications for the port. She oversaw the city as it dealt with tragedy when the Ghost Ship fire killed 36 people at a warehouse party. Dan Borenstein is an award-winning columnist for the Bay Area News Group and editorial page editor of the East Bay Times. Schaafs model is now used in other cities, said Tomiquia Moss, the CEO of All Home, a nonprofit that focuses on addressing homelessness as a regional issue. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. 31. Libby Schaaf will go down as one of the worst mayors in Oakland's history. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Polling showed Schaaf was widely popular in 2015, the year after her first mayoral election. [14], During her tenure on the city council, Schaaf fought to raise the minimum wage,[15] voicing her support for Measure FF,[16][17] also known as Lift Up Oakland, a $12.25 minimum wage ballot initiative which passed in a landslide on November 4, 2014. Her mother used to work as a flight attendant. As Schaaf prepares to leave office on Jan. 2, still keeping her next move quiet, political experts say her tenure and her success as the citys leader is mostly mixed. Grab all the details about Jane Pauley, her net worth, and married life, Diane Sawyers Massive Net Worth from ABC Network. Schaaf hired Matt Nichols as her Policy Director[22][28] for Transportation and Infrastructure in March 2015. As Schaaf, a moderate, leaves office, the progressive Sheng Thao is preparing to take over. Born and raised in Oakland, Ive always felt such pride in our beautiful, diverse city. Nearly 5,000 new apartments were built in Oakland's downtown area between 2018 and 2020, but less than 4% of those units were below market rate. While making the rounds, she shooed a rat away from a blanket covering someone sleeping in the pergola. We tackled the unsexy basics like finances and POTHOLES. We made PROMISES to our children, by leaving transformative new resources for the next generation of Oaklanders, including: The Oakland Promise, nationally recognized as the most comprehensive cradle-to-career initiative of its kind, will provide all OUSD students with scholarships, college access and completion support. She holds a B.A. OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) -- Police are investigating an act of vandalism at Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf's house. Sarah Ravani covers Oakland and the East Bay at The San Francisco Chronicle. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. The cabin community idea was really unheard of at the time, said Moss, who also served as Schaafs chief of staff for the first two years of her mayoralty. Libby Schaaf was born on November 12, 1965, in Oakland, California. She added that the city has 2,200 affordable homes in the pipeline ready to be built. Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf and City Administrator Ed Reiskin today released a two-year Proposed Policy Budget for fiscal years 2021-2023. There have been 13 homicides in Oakland . document.write(sentence); When Oakland Mayor Elect Thao takes over, she may find -- as Schaaf did -- that in a city like Oakland, some problems are just too big for one person to fix. She added that Schaafs administration also changed zoning codes to allow for different types of interim housing. There are cities that have gone through big transformations when it was said it could never be done. She instituted one of the nations largest guaranteed income programs for low-income residents and launched a widely lauded program called Keep Oakland Housed, which provides rent checks and legal representation for residents at risk of homelessness. The 50th Mayor of Oakland, Libby Schaaf, is a happily married woman. Residents are mostly split in their opinions of Schaaf. Schaaf said building housing at all income levels is key if the city hadnt, high income workers would have taken over the existing naturally affordable units. Political experts say that while Oakland is grappling with major issues the housing and homelessness crises and violent crime Schaaf deserves credit for leading the city through some of its toughest times, including the pandemic. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. She repaved 161 miles of the citys crumbling roadways, but residents complain about the amount of trash on city streets in the span of one year, enough garbage landed on city streets to cover the length of 13 football fields. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Official Website for the City of Oakland | Mayor Sheng Thao. "And I wouldn't be surprised if I continue to be an advocate at the state and federal level to truly make housing a right. An Oakland Chamber of Commerce poll released in October shows that voters are largely dissatisfied with the city 64% of the polls respondents said they felt the city was headed in the wrong direction. Previously, she covered breaking news and crime for The Chronicle. Outgoing Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf reflects on trials and triumphs in office, Public File for KBCW-TV / KBCW 44 Cable 12. She led Oakland through not easy times.. Im writing this piece as a warning to every voter in Oakland. For the first time in recent history, Oakland will have a progressive mayor and a progressive-majority City Council the outcome of the November election, which Ross called a repudiation of Schaafs time in office. However, her house in Oakland, where she resides with her family, came to the attention of many after itwas vandalized as the threatof federal troops looms back in July. Samantha Laurey, Visual Intern / The Chronicle. She is dedicated to public service, community work and is devoted to . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. I dont know whats fair, but my sense is that people are pretty unhappy at the moment with the state of issues in Oakland.. Schaaf said if she could go back in time to 2015, when she first took office, she would give herself one piece of advice: That homelessness would explode the way that it did and that its not just the countys responsibility, its everyones responsibility, Schaaf said. Oakland is grappling with high vacancy rate with nearly one-fifth of governments jobs currently vacant. While making the rounds, she shooed a rat away from a blanket covering someone sleeping in the pergola. [4][5], Schaaf was born in Oakland, California, on November 12, 1965. Before the sun rose on a brisk February morning, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf looked around Lake Merritt and counted the number of people sleeping on the street for the biennial point-in-time count. As an Oakland native, the town is a road map of Schaafs life history: Its where she grew up as the daughter of a shoe salesman and a flight attendant, where she graduated from Skyline High School and where she raised her two kids. Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf On Hangman Noose Problem In Lake Merritt Visit Oakland News Now Blog Read ZENNIE62MEDIA's https://o. in political science from Rollins College and a J.D. Then theyll need to lift us up. At best, her tenure has been mixed, said Jim Ross, a political consultant based in Oakland. The Generation Fund, a $50 million quasi-endowment I personally raised to fund 30,000 college savings accounts for babies and scholarships it should serve EVERY low-income baby and OUSD graduate through 2035. And the business community must decide whether it wants to unify to be a potent force in the citys electoral politics or become irrelevant. This is out of control.. Brown endorses candidate in Oakland mayor's race", "Sen. Boxer endorses Schaaf in Oakland Mayoral Race", "Oakland Launches New Transportation Department", "City Of Oakland Starts New Transportation Department", "Advocates hope Oakland's new Department of Transportation will transform city's streets", "Media Advisory: Mayor Libby Schaaf Launches Oakland's First Transportation Department", "City of Oakland starts new transportation department", "Mayor Libby Schaaf Hires Oakland's First Transportation Policy Director", "Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf Institutes Ban On Nighttime Street Protests", "Protests held in Oakland over mayor's new ban on nighttime marches", "Trump Calls Some Unauthorized Immigrants 'Animals' in Rant", "Trump suggests Justice Department investigate Oakland's Democratic mayor for tipping off immigrants", "Oakland Mayor Criticized For Warning People Of Pending Immigration Sweeps", "Jewish mayor of Oakland defends decision to tip off community to immigration raid", "Oakland will give low-income families of color $500 per month, no strings attached", "California Councilwoman Libby Schaaf Targeted With Swastikas in Oakland", "Flyers Of Jewish Councilwoman With Swastika On Her Face Posted In Oakland", "Jewish Oakland mayor defends decision to warn community of immigration raid", "Mayor - Oakland (RCV) Vote for One (1) Only", "Ranked-Choice Voting Accumulated Results - Mayor - Oakland",, This page was last edited on 10 January 2023, at 18:57. 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