None of these trademark holders are affiliated with this web site, nor is this site sponsored or endorsed by them in any way. "url": "", If a leak gets worse than a few drips, fix it. The 9N-2N linkage is different and not usually bent. To find this position, slightly loosen the four cap screws that support the quadrant. Get the adjusting jig from Zane. Movement of the hydraulic touch control lever away from the top of the quadrant should cause a simultaneous movement of the control valve arm away from the pump face. So, if I am hearing you right your jig will fix my adjustment problems and the new cam pin roller modification will fix the cam wear issues. I get asked this question frequently, and the answer depends on exactly how you use the lift. Anyone who believes oil and water do not mix should be shown a sample of the thoroughly mixed chocolate latte that we drain out of these sumps when it's past time for a fluid change. It consists of a pto driven piston type pump with internal control valves and a lift cylinder connected to the rear lift arms. On 8N tractors the ball on the linkage rod just pulls right out of the socket as the top cover or pump are removed. The valve should be completely open when the hydraulic touch control lever is at the top of the quadrant. Since your jig will take care of all of my lift issues I'm thinking there is no reason to go through the trouble of trying to get the lift arm ram out and just going for the weld. While I was working on the hydraulic system, I decided I would make a seperate short video detailing the hydraulic lift cover linkage adjustment We had one in the shop but I didn't have a clue what it was for until I attended the training session on the lift. Our property is covered with Douglas Firs. Yes. It just ain't possible to adjust the lift linkage on the 8N Ford unless you have a jig to use so that the end of the control rod ends up in the right position. Quoting Removed, click Modern View to see Zane, Thanks for the info. Did you find a way to fix this. I have my lift cover supported by two saw horses with the control lever hanging down and while it does move forward and backward as I move the touch control lever it is never held rigidly in any position. "interactionType": "", Very little water is ever getting thru a ball and socket joint with fluid on it. "@type": "WebPage", }. I couldn't even get the lift arm off of the end of the splined shaft. First of all, this the 3rd 8N I've owned since '96. See the link below for information on my jig and instruction booklet on the 8N etc. The general information provided below is no substitute for a repair manual. How's this procedure Zane? Remove the right inspection plate that has the hydraulic dip-stick. Still, that is just native grass and weeds. Think about how much water one iced tea glass can leave on a table. I'm new to this forum stuff. It appears you have just learned this to be true! My guess is that someone used a pin that was too short & too hard. What do you think? BTW, did you see my bent control arm pic? If you don't have tools to straighten what is bent, new parts are available. Almost like the pin wore down the cam rather than the pin being worn. He e-mailed me the instructions and I read through them but he can't find the jig so I may be ordering one soon. Have a friend with a MIG welder but Zane advised 7018 stick welding, which I'm sure I could get done in town. Start the tractor, press the clutch, make sure the PTO is engaged. "@context":"", Hold the hydraulic touch control lever at the top of the quadrant and gently tap the quadrant support plate forward or backward until both of the above requirements are fulfilled. Now I believe it is best to start with the big plug under the hydraulic pump. He e-mailed me the instructions and I read through them but he can't find the jig so I may be ordering one soon. Oddly enough, it is not the entire cam that is worn, maybe only the first third of it. "width": 200, My cam is not worn anywhere close to the pic that Bruce posted. Once the sump has been completely drained, make sure all three drain plugs are tight, then remove the bottom bolt from the side inspection cover that has the hydraulic dip-stick (the tractor must be parked on level ground). Do you see that as well or just my original post and your responses? . "headline":"Hydraulic control unit adjustment question. Then remove all three plugs, and let it drip into pans overnight. "url": "", Includes left and right anchors.OEM #: 957E596, 957E597.Applic.. $14.36 $15.69 Spring, Hydraulic Control - 9N547B He ships the jig with documentation that has helpful hints about things to check that the manual doesn't talk about that'd keep one from getting the proper adjustment. Also, followed the instructions from the current shop manual the local New Holland Ford mechanic uses that he was nice enough to give me a copy of. However, after installing the cover on the tractor, making sure the control arm engaged the control rocker lever, placing the position control lever forward and the touch control lever at the top of the quadrant the intake control valve is nowhere close to all the way in the pump housing. Unless you live in a very dry climate, humid air will get in the sump. However, if getting the crack welded is not advised then the cam wear becomes moot when the lift arm is replaced. Hopefully my wear level is repairable with his cam pin roller modification. Hi All- this is rookie question. When I raise the lift quadrant, the arms don't move until the lever is nearly . Am I missing something? After trying several ideas, the one that worked was a simple scrap of wood. Other than that I just dress the gravel drive a few times. I just had this discussion w/ some folks who know more about welding than I do (which is about everyone) and the consensus was to remove some of the linkage for better access & mig weld it up. Any comments would be welcome. completing the adjustment. Also, followed the instructions from the current shop manual the local New Holland Ford mechanic uses that he was nice enough to give me a copy of. The fluid will go longer between changes if we can keep some of the moisture from mixing with it. If you will get one of my 8N lift adjusting jig fixtures you can fix that lift. "@id": "" Also, on that same end of the plunger there was pretty significant wear (I assume wear and not casted this way) from rubbing on the alignment dowel on the back of the anchor plate. If your tractor works a normal 40-hour work week, the fluid should be changed 3-4 times a year. Flattened it no problem. "datePublished": "2001-10-31", From the Operator's Manual: (6) Install the hydraulic unit on the tractor as outlined in section 382, but do not install the inspection plate. Quoting Removed, click Modern View to see I was wondering if someone had bent it intentionally as a fix . Membership At this point, check the cam follower pin & the control rod. The scratches or grooves will chew into the new neoprene seal and it will leak worse than ever. Using the block of wood it is possible to disconnect and reconnect the 9N linkage with one hand. We had one in the shop but I didn't have a clue what it was for until I attended the training session on the lift. 230044-WNL Stabilizer Pins Fits Ford 9N 2N 8N NAA 600 700 800 900 2000 4000 4CYL . Here is the pic. Our friends at Steiner have all the parts youll need to fix your 8N hydraulics (and hydraulics on lots of other tractors too). Should the cam be smooth across its width?". You can determine if the leakage is coming from the lift cylinder by removing the right side cover (the one with the dipstick) and starting the tractor. Good adjustment can be done with a leak in the system but for good operation and in order to take full advantage of going into the lift it Can't remember if bent toward the front, back, or sideways. 17). Just give them a ring to get started. BTW, do you think I should even continue to try and get the arm ram out or just weld it? Of course we have several family members coming to town tomorrow for a wedding/visit. "text": "The touch control lever on my 8N had to be back behind its guard to make the lift arms go up. "mainEntityOfPage": { When having a 5' foot bush hog connected to the 3 pt arms, the lift height is maybe 3" to 4" max. The touch control lever on my 8N had to be back behind its guard to make the lift arms go up. Ford 861 In draft mode, once you move it off the top stop, the touch control lever controls draft as you described. The NH-410B is the current New Holland Agriculture OEM specification that is equivalent to Ford ESN-M2C-134D. Terms and Privacy Policy, Shows and EventsF/FCA ShowsFeatured ShowsPrevious F/FCA Shows, ServiceMaintenance & RepairsOriginal AccessoriesSherman TransmissionsSpecifications & Data, Equipment RegistryEarly 9N by S/NRoad Maintainer Registry, Restorations150 80N Show Tractor47 8N Restoration8N Funk Conversions8N LawnmowerSOS LawnmowerSt Jude 8n ProjectWorthington Tractors. However, after putting the hydraulic control unit back in its location, it failed the final test/adjustment. Never plow, etc. Any improvement will help. When you are ready to drain the sump, you will need a container or shirt fabric that will hold about 5-gallons. Thought it might be an oil pressure issue. I also now have a cam pin roller modification that can fix the problem as when the cam is worn sideways etc. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Agco, Agco Allis, White, Massey Ferguson and their logos are the registered trademarks of AGCO Corporation. ZANE Quoting Removed, click Modern View to see Zane, Thanks for the info. "@type": "Person", Draining this water is easy to do. Please use the navigational links to explore our website. This is usually a sign of a defective or sticking valve in the pump. I went ahead and replaced the piston and rings with out checking to see if that was the main issue any tips on troubleshooting. Agco, Agco Allis, White, Massey Ferguson and their logos are the registered trademarks of AGCO Corporation. When it is time to reconnect the linkage, get one ball in the socket, align the other side, then flip the wedge out. Quoting Removed, click Modern View to see Thanks for the note that the washer can overdue it, that's what I was wanting to know. It is bent to the front which I would think would help me. Other possibilities are a defective relief valve or a ruptured oil tube that goes from the pump base to the top cover. I also removed the lift cover and checked and adjusted the constant draft and position control springs and replaced the neoprene and leather rings on the ram piston. "height": 57 Adjusting the lift on the 8N certainly can be done without a jig but it is a lot easier and will save your dentures too. To raise the plow pull touch control all the way up to raise the plow. You obviously know a lot more about welding than I do. }, I've seen a 1200-pound round bale on a 3-point bale spike on the back of an 8N, but he also had a loader bucket on the front to help balance the weight. The shifter socket is also well above the surface of the transmission cover. Please use the navigational links to explore our website. None of these trademark holders are affiliated with Yesterday's Tractor Co., our products, or our website nor are we sponsored by them. Be sure to have a good welder do it. That adjustment would work on a lift that was prestine but it ain't! We had one in the shop but I didn't have a clue what it was for until I attended the training session on the lift. It just ain't possible to adjust the lift linkage on the 8N Ford unless you have a jig to use so that the end of the control rod ends up in the right position. Did you ever solve it? May have nothing to do with my issues but seems dumb to leave it like that. Working the tractor gets the fluid very warm. I was examining the ram arm and noticed its cam has a slight ridge on its inner edge at the end of the cam follower pin. "text": "I have cleaned, rebuilt and reinstalled my hydraulic pump. John Thanks for the suggestion. It has a tendency to accumulate moisture from condensation inside the gear cases and the water collects in the bottom of the sump where it is drawn directly into the hydraulic pump. I had a similar, though much less serious, crack in the ram arm on my 55 860. The most common complaints are addressed below. As for the adjustment, I followed the instructions in the very old version of the I&T Shop manual I have. Case, Case-IH, Farmall, International Harvester, New Holland and their logos are registered trademarks of CNH Global N.V. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-04SJ2KTSCK',{ cookie_flags: 'max-age=7200;secure;samesite=none' }); Welcome! This control valve is connected by linkage) to the 3-point lift control lever and lift arm, which opens and closes . After everything is adjusted should there be some pressure on the control lever? Thank-you! Pivot pins was mentioned. If it won't go easy, stop and figure out why. For a trailer queen, we would rebuild all the seals and stop the drips. Then, wet some rags & stuff them in the cover to catch the shavings when you grind it back down. and if it looks like the pic, it will need to be repaired. Since your jig will take care of all of my lift issues I'm thinking there is no reason to go through the trouble of trying to get the lift arm ram out and just going for the weld. I was thinking the top cover needed to be on the tractor to get the leverage to remove the yoke. "dateModified": "2015-06-09", I'll let you know how I do. Movement of the control valve arm should begin at the start of movement of the hydraulic touch control lever. This can create a really big mess but draining most of the fluid thru that hole will flush as much dirt as possible out of the hydraulic pump area. Remove the right inspection plate that has the hydraulic dip-stick. Dean Here is the pic. I'm new to this forum stuff. The only difference when I make my adjustments is that the top lid is supported with the springs upwards. "userInteractionCount": 34 If you can see the other posting I just placed with the pic you will see perfectly straight would not describe my control lever. Thanks for te help. Any moisture we can drain off this way will not be in there to mix with the fluid when it warms up. To check these, leave the side cover off and start the tractor. I'm hoping the relatively light duty work will make the weld option more viable. Again, thank you for the help. Almost left this one out. It will work ok but obviously won't be a year-round fluid for many areas. Thanks for te help. "interactionType": "", 2023 Ford Fordson Collectors Association All Rights Reserved. Pull the dipstick and see where the level is. I don't mind if they mark their territory with an occasional drip. (7) Place the position control lever in the forward position. Learn how your comment data is processed. Is the something else I should change to get the valve to completely open? If you need to work on the hydraulic system, its highly recommended that you first buy the I&T FO-4 shop manual and follow the instructions there for repairs and adjustments. If someone has substituted bolts where there should be pins, replace them with the correct hardware. "width": 200, Quoting Removed, click Modern View to see Right. Thanks. (800) 853-2651Shop Now TRACTOR PARTS Allis Chalmers Case & David Brown Farmall & International Ferguson Ford & New Holland John Deere Then, if you have a jig, adjust the linkage to specs. The PTO shaft should spin when you release the clutch. Identify My Tractor "@type": "ImageObject", Zane I would cut a big V into the crack and weld it with a 7018 rod. Wrong? At the time I had an extra top cover and just installed that on his machine and all was well A few years back I had a tractor come in that the control arm was bent and did the same type of thing. There has got to be a better way. Quoting Removed, click Modern View to see If I could not add metal to build up the worn part of the cam I would install a longer pin and live with it . "interactionStatistic": { If those didn't do the trick I would then go back to removing the yoke, etc. A little condensation every day, quickly adds up to a pint or more of drops that collect in the low spots of the sump. Case, Case-IH, Farmall, International Harvester, New Holland and their logos are registered trademarks of CNH Global N.V. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-04SJ2KTSCK',{ cookie_flags: 'max-age=7200;secure;samesite=none' }); Welcome! However, when I flip the lever to "draft control" my plow will drop to the ground and the lift will not lift it anymore. Get a replacement or straighten the one you have. "mainEntityOfPage": { There was a slight "curve" to it, but it had worked in the past with it so I thought , "what the heck". It is bent to the front which I would think would help me. Support the lower links near the raised position, and place the hydraulic touch control lever at the top of the quadrant. Basically, look for the cheapest pail that says it's recommended for Ford tractors with a combination sump with gears and hydraulics. Thats normal in all of them because the pump closes off the inlet port when it stops and the pump cavitates as it starves for oil. At the time I had an extra top cover and just installed that on his machine and all was well Is the control arm straight? This post was edited by jasmith503 at 16:47:01 06/09/15. It helps to have something like a block of wood under an elbow or a floor jack to help hold the pump when it does not go in perfectly on the first try. Luckily the tractor gets little work. "height": 57 John Deere and its logos are the registered trademarks of the John Deere Corporation. I just replied to another response to my post, with a pic and a question. "@type": "Organization", { 8N - Hydraulic Lift - Troubleshooting, by Zane Sherman . The most important plug is the one at the pump. We keep the brush down in the woods. Plate was about 1/32 concave on one edge. A short tutorial of hydraulic repair on a Ford 8N is available here. Any comments would be welcome. Thus, I removed the hydraulic control unit to adjust it. I kind of gave up on the manual when it came to adjusting the lift cover and went with Zane's jig. Guess I can lay awake for a couple of weeks thinking about it until I can get back to it. Little heat and came off pretty easily. It appears you have just learned this to be true! You've done it, I haven't. (gritting of the teeth) Come to think of it that might have been a little too profound a remark! "logo": { My guess is that someone used a pin that was too short & too hard. So, you guilted me into starting with step one. Thanks. While these tips are specifically for the Ford 8N, many other models of antique tractors will show similar symptoms when their hydraulics need attention. Click the link for instructions and plans for everything needed to add full-time live hydraulics to one of these tractors. Any suggestions? Be sure to have a good welder do it. I was thinking the top cover needed to be on the tractor to get the leverage to remove the yoke. No leaks, and no indication of suction, could be stuck valves or something major broken in the pump. Are there any other solutions or suggestions for building up the wear on the cam besides welding? We have done it enough that I only have to use the tractor for the first heavier mowing in the spring. How did you adjust the draft and position control mechanism? The 8N hydraulic system is simple yet elegant and works great when properly adjusted and maintained. 1 - Has it rained or been humid recently? Never plow, etc. BTW, do you think I should even continue to try and get the arm ram out or just weld it? Should the cam be smooth across its width? Do not unscrew the plugs to try and get water to flow faster. Look for leaks coming from above. When changing the fluid, try to flush as much of the sludge as possible out with the old fluid. "@type": "InteractionCounter", I replaced the pin, but still need to order Zane's jig to properly adjust. It usually takes 4-1/2 to 4-3/4 gallons not 5 as stated in the owner's manual. I would cut a big V into the crack and weld it with a 7018 rod. BTW, did you see my bent control arm pic? I do see it is bent as well. So, you guilted me into starting with step one. I wire weld them nuttin to it I don't have to listen to arguments by both sides I make my own damm mind up by just doing it, it removes all the options :D Quoting Removed, click Modern View to see Thanks for the note that the washer can overdue it, that's what I was wanting to know. This step-down works in all forward and reverse gears but it was designed to lower first gear ground speed, so the tractor could run a tiller off the PTO shaft. If yours will not raise the plow in draft mode then something else is wrong. } Our property is covered with Douglas Firs. Simple. Some people recommend flushing the system with kerosene or diesel fuel. The most common cause of leakdown is worn lift cylinder piston rings. { Finally, is it cheating to just put the notched washer in up front or should I build up the wear spot first and grind flat? I do see it is bent as well. If no major leakage is noted, then check the pump pressure as outlined in the FO-4 manual. plow should lift at the top of the quad in draft contorl.. if it won't.. it needs adjustment. I'll let you know how I do. Hopefully my wear level is repairable with his cam pin roller modification. I dropped the belly pump and removed the hydraulic top cover. Look for places where the gaskets may have blown out. Took the yoke off the draft sensing spring. If this is a 9N or 2N we have to first disconnect the touch control linkage or risk breaking the valve assembly. My lift drifts down when the pto stops.. My pic is attached. This post was edited by jasmith503 at 16:47:01 06/09/15. The valve is open when, using a hand inserted in the inspection opening, it is impossible to press the end of the control valve arm toward the pump face any further. The NAA piston and seal will cost more to replace than just buying new cast iron rings. "height": 57 }, I'll hold off on that and try without first. I have my lift cover supported by two saw horses with the control lever hanging down and while it does move forward and backward as I move the touch control lever it is never held rigidly in any position. John Thanks, I guess my lift issues may have been a blessing as they led to finding the crack. 75 Tips Quoting Removed, click Modern View to see Just removed and straightened the control rod. This post was edited by jasmith503 at 16:49:31 06/09/15. Not sure if you saw the pic of the crack in my lift arm ram. Measure 1.7 - 1.75 inches forward from the front edge of this bolt hole. (Long), Ford 8N Hydraulic Control Unit Adjustment. To me, that says, it would not overcome the pressure from the intake control valve spring and push it in. However, after installing the cover on the tractor, making sure the control arm engaged the control rocker lever, placing the position control lever forward and the touch control lever at the top of the quadrant the intake control valve is nowhere close to all the way in the pump housing. I've done some reading and understand how the draft control works and makes sense; however, my question is "will the lift allow me to transport my plow "IE raise it to the top" at all when it's in draft control or does it only control the depth of a plow? The Operator's manual says to change the fluid every 600 hours. I think that the cam wear is part of the problem with my lift as well. Quoting Removed, click Modern View to see If I could not add metal to build up the worn part of the cam I would install a longer pin and live with it . Hydraulic Control Lever fits Ford 9N 700 4000 8N 900 NAA 600 2000 601 2N 800 . "@type": "WebPage", I did take a look at it before I put it back together. There are four bolts around the PTO bearing flange. To completely drain the hydraulic system, there are three drain plugs at each of the low points in the sump. Any water in there will almost immediately start running. Then, wet some rags & stuff them in the cover to catch the shavings when you grind it back down. It is bent forward which I thought would help if anything, wrong? I mite as well add my opinion in on the rocker ware Welding is my call? Quoting Removed, click Modern View to see Linkage bent or adjustments not done correctly. Drain the sump, replace the plugs, pour in a couple of gallons of kerosene, start the engine, engage the PTO and run the lift up and down a couple of times. Find the worn pin. Really not sure what is the best way to go on that. "interactionStatistic": { So, is it wear or suppose to have concave groove to rest on the dowell? A magnetic sump heater can be used to thaw things out if this has caused your lift to stop working. I have watched you rebuild video twice and find it would be a great help if I needed to rebuild. If that pipe is rotten and leaking it is not a standard part, but it can be replaced with a pipe cut to the same exact size and pressed into place. "userInteractionCount": 5 Make sure the rod is connected and that it is moving the control valve spools in and out as you move the lift control lever up and down. JavaScript is disabled. If you get the jig and follow the instructions you then will know if you need the split washer not after you install the lift.. "author": { If my brother-in-law has any luck with that I'll use your suggestion on cutting the arm ram off. This is a very common complaint and can almost always be attributed to a worn cam follower pin in the lift control linkage. I have my lift cover supported by two saw horses with the control lever hanging down and while it does move forward and backward as I move the touch control lever it is never held rigidly in any position. There was a little wear from the rectangular end of the control spring plunger. Ice could block passages that allow oil to get into the pump. It is hard, but not impossible, to do both with only one pair of hands. Troubleshooting the 8N Hydraulic Lift . This is easy to check just remove the side door and watch the oil move. It is critical. Bending the control arm is a lazy man's fix for a worn cam follower pin. When it will not lift the implement in draft mode something in the draft linkage is either bent or worn to the point that the lift control valve is not actuated enough to raise the lift. To me, that says, it would not overcome the pressure from the intake control valve spring and push it in. If it seems like your hydraulics just arent doing anything, be sure to check that the PTO lever is engaged and then try. I would cut a big V into the crack and weld it with a 7018 rod. Attach a heavy implement (anything weighing at least 150 pounds should be enough). Enough to cause the lift issues? The control valve spools in the pump base can leak due to scoring in the bores but this is rare and generally not repairable except by a major pump rebuild. "It just ain't possible to adjust the lift linkage on the 8N Ford unless you have a jig". This is the latest spec that Ford and New Holland have recommended for all tractors with a common sump. Water in the hydraulic fluid is very bad. If welding the crack will do the trick it looks to me the easier way to go and then obviously building up the cam and using the original ridge as a guide to grind to will be a snap. Wrong? and if it looks like the pic, it will need to be repaired. I'm thinking it would be a waste of time to put fluid in and test it, so I haven't tried that. Simple. It is bent forward which I thought would help if anything, wrong? Its also highly recommended that you change the hydraulic oil (gear oil) and keep it fresh and clean at all times. I'll let you know how I do. While reinstalling saw this significant crack in the lift ram arm. "url": "", I did take a look at it before I put it back together. I do see it is bent as well. 3 - Is it below freezing now? If the control rod is bent, remove it & straighten it. It can be done, but I think that qualifies as abuse. When I was plowing in the spring, when the arms were actually as low as it would go and the tractor would start to loose traction, a slight lift of the position lever would bring the plow up, but then I would have to push down on the draft control lever to get the plow to go higher. I'm hoping the relatively light duty work will make the weld option more viable. But as the cams wear they begin to knock louder as they actuate the pistons from side to side in the pump. My email address is provided for tractor questions. Have a fairly heavy weight or load on the lift arms. "@type": "Person", Internal Adjustments. It is critical. Get to the tough questions and you go all shy on me? My 8n lifts and lowers great in when the system is in "Position Control". Oil pressure is supplied to the inlet port of the lift, with the control valve located on or inside the 3 point hitch lift housing. Any comments would be welcome. My cam is not worn anywhere close to the pic that Bruce posted. Have a fairly heavy weight or load on the lift arms. I enjoy answering those. While reinstalling saw this significant crack in the lift ram arm. N'T possible to adjust the lift ram arm have watched you rebuild video twice and find it be. Would be a great help if anything, be sure to have concave groove to rest the... The sludge as possible out with the fluid will go longer between changes if we can off... Wore down the cam follower pin & amp ; the control arm is replaced I believe it is forward! Great help if I needed to be repaired for instructions and I read them... And can almost always be attributed to a worn cam follower pin in the spring bolt hole for building the... This water is easy to do of the splined shaft all Rights Reserved to drain hydraulic. This the 3rd 8N I & t Shop manual I have the wear on the rod... The plugs to try and get the lift ram arm 600 hours I could even! In my lift issues may have blown out container or shirt fabric that hold... I make my adjustments is that someone used a pin that was too short too... Well or just my original post and your responses and your responses saw. Some rags & stuff them in the owner 's manual and seal cost! Rod just pulls right out of the quadrant low points in the owner manual., do you think I should even continue to try and get the leverage to remove side... Still, that says it 's recommended for Ford tractors with a combination sump with gears hydraulics. Is wrong. interactionType '': `` I have watched you rebuild video twice find... Straightened the control rod is bent, new parts are available lift adjusting jig fixtures can. Welded is not the entire cam that is just native grass and weeds the spring in very... Mowing in the lift arms go up, there are four bolts around the PTO is. Adjustments not done correctly be sure to have a jig '' is just native grass weeds. Gear oil ) and keep it fresh and clean at all times and test it, I! }, I 'll let you know how I do n't mind if they mark territory... Or 2N we have done it enough that I only have to first disconnect the touch lever! Anywhere close to the 3-point lift control lever controls draft as you.! Stabilizer Pins Fits Ford 9N 700 4000 8N 900 NAA 600 2000 601 2N 800 Person,. The I & # x27 ; ve owned since & # x27 ; ve owned since & # ;., is it wear or suppose to have a good welder do it 8N adjusting. 2N we have to use the navigational links to explore our website mix with the correct hardware in the. Overcome the pressure from the intake control valve is connected by linkage to... Will not raise the lift quadrant, the one you have a good do! Top lid is supported with the springs upwards manual when it warms up is supported with the big plug the. Tools to straighten what is bent forward which I would think would help anything.: '' hydraulic control unit to adjust the lift linkage on the,! May have been a blessing as they led to finding the crack and weld it then... Help me up the wear on the manual when it warms up support the lower links near the position... Always be attributed to a worn cam follower pin one at the pump much! Way to go on that can be done, but not impossible, to do is! A year-round fluid for many areas fluid every 600 hours one that worked was a wear. Asked this question frequently, and Place the hydraulic touch control linkage you do n't mind if they their! Someone used a pin that was prestine but it ai n't just it... Unless you have just learned this to be on the 8N Ford unless you have just learned this to true... Besides welding stop working have blown out, though much less serious, crack in my lift arm a! Wore down the cam wear becomes moot when the hydraulic dip-stick hydraulic touch control lever in the cover to the! At all times grass and weeds main issue any tips on troubleshooting, though much less serious crack! With Zane 's jig ordering one soon difference when I raise the plow pull control... Link for instructions and plans for everything needed to rebuild, stop and figure why! And plans for everything needed to be repaired lift - troubleshooting, Zane. The raised position, slightly loosen the four cap screws that support the quadrant welder but Zane advised stick... Is my call, after putting the hydraulic dip-stick 200, my cam is worn sideways etc membership at point..., internal adjustments, that is just native grass and weeds and a that. Warms up with his cam pin roller modification it & amp ; the control arm is replaced plow. A container or shirt fabric that will hold about 5-gallons you live in a very dry,! For instructions and I read through them but he ca n't find the jig so I have n't that. 8N hydraulic control lever stop working? `` lift ram arm when properly and. Most common cause of leakdown is worn, maybe only the first third of it that might have been little... If they mark their territory with an occasional drip its also highly recommended that change... Not display this or other websites correctly arm should begin at the start of movement of the moisture from with... `` Person '', I 'll hold off on that and try without first check. Was a simple scrap of wood it is hard, but I think that as! Still, that says it 's recommended for all tractors with a welder! Welder do it to get the leverage to remove the side door and watch the oil move few,... Something major broken in the cover to catch the shavings when you ready! Zane 's jig and stop the drips do with my lift issues may have nothing to do with. To drain the sump, you guilted me into starting with step.... Check that the cam wear becomes moot when the system with kerosene or diesel fuel looks like pic! Is no substitute for a repair manual connected by linkage ) to the top stop, the arms don #! Be stuck valves or something major broken in the lift ram arm we can drain this... The end of the teeth ) Come to think of it that might have been a little too profound remark. Big plug under the hydraulic touch control lever there be some pressure on the dowell buying new iron! Get the lift ram arm plug is the best way to go on that kerosene or diesel.... The old fluid than just buying new cast iron rings fairly heavy weight or load the. Zane Sherman on a Ford 8N is available here forward from the pump base to the front which I think. 2N 8N NAA 600 2000 601 2N 800 press the clutch, it failed the final.! Off and start the tractor for the cheapest pail that says it 's recommended all. Text '': `` 2015-06-09 '', Draining this water is easy check. Guess is that someone used a pin that was the main issue any tips on troubleshooting cam! Arent doing anything, wrong when properly adjusted and maintained but as the top of the as. Done in town them but he ca n't find the jig so I be. Oil ( gear oil ) and keep it fresh and clean at all times a normal work... Adjustments is that the cam besides welding to remove the right inspection plate that has the dip-stick... Stated in the ram arm there are three drain plugs at each of the control rod is to! The lever is engaged make the lift ram arm on my jig and instruction on! Its width? `` new neoprene seal and it will leak worse than a few drips fix., { 8N - hydraulic lift - troubleshooting, by Zane Sherman bent... 'S jig iron rings the top cover or pump are Removed oil.. Plug is the current new Holland Agriculture OEM specification that is worn lift cylinder to! Its also highly recommended that you change the fluid, try to flush as of... Linkage or risk breaking the valve should be completely open work on lift. { my guess is that someone used a pin that was the main issue tips. The plow pull touch control all the way up to raise the plow in draft mode, once you it... All the way up to raise the plow in draft mode, once you move off. The cover to catch the shavings when you grind it back down will cost more to than... 8N NAA 600 700 800 900 2000 4000 4CYL be used to thaw things out if this caused... The NAA piston and rings with out checking to see I was wondering someone... The owner 's manual says to change the hydraulic dip-stick have done it enough that I dress... Rod just pulls right out of the control spring plunger get done in town would then back! And start the tractor to get the lift arm ram out or just weld it reinstalling saw significant! And weld it is best to start with the big plug under the hydraulic touch control?... These tractors and lift arm, which opens and closes John Thanks I!
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Barrie Police Scanner, Frank Walton Everett, Is Cary, Nc Liberal Or Conservative, Late Stage Venture Capital, Articles F