7 2015, City of Tea Tree Gully Indoor Staff Enterprise Agreement No. Austrade Enterprise Agreement 2019-2022 6 1. The award and NES provide pilots in general aviation with an enforceable minimum set . Definitions and interpretations. 2021, City of Mount Gambier ASU Enterprise Agreement No. 6 2012, City of Charles Sturt (Operations) Bargaining Agreement No. 2 2010, District Council of Yorke Peninsula Municipal Officers Enterprise Agreement No. 5 2010, City of Holdfast Bay and the Australian Services Union Administrative Staff Enterprise Agreement No. 8 2018, District Council of Peterborough (Enterprise Agreement No. Includes rate for Chief of Division Grade 1 and Medical Officer Class 5. 8 2012, District Council of Karoonda East Murray Enterprise Agreement No. SECTION 1: SCOPE OF THIS AGREEMENT 1.1 Title (1) This Agreement is made under section 172 of the Fair Work Act 2 009 (FW Act) and shall be known as the Austrade Enterprise Agreement 2019-2022. 6 2014-2017, City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters Municipal Officers Enterprise Agreement No. Rothville Credit Union Limited Enterprise Agreement 1998 (*Non-Union Agreement) RURAL BANK ENTERPRISE AGREEMENT 2016_2019. Potentially, an enterprise agreement can also ensure compliance, while increasing productivity and reducing administrative costs. 6 2011, Corporation of the City of Adelaide UPark Enterprise Agreement No. Our voting services can save you time and ensure an accurate and quick result that can withstand . 9 2018, Kingston District Council Enterprise Agreement No. Tip 1 - Review pay arrangements of your enterprise agreements. An enterprise agreement will pass the BOOT if the FWC is satisfied . 5 2011, ASU and District Council of Barunga West Enterprise Agreement 2012, District Council of Barunga West Enterprise Agreement No. Geoscience Australia is committed to providing flexible working arrangements to assist employees in getting an appropriate balance between their work and personal lives. 7 2013, Southern Mallee District Council (ASU) Enterprise Agreement No. 7 2012, District Council of Grant Enterprise Agreement No. 6 2005, Adelaide Cemeteries Authority (Salaried) Enterprise Agreement 2007, Adelaide Cemeteries Authority (Weekly Paid) Enterprise Agreement 2007, Adelaide Cemeteries Authority (Salaried) Enterprise Agreement No. 7 2015, ASU and District Council of Barunga West Enterprise Agreement 2017-2019, District Council of Barunga West Enterprise Agreement No. 7 2014, City of Charles Sturt Administration Enterprise Agreement No. 8 2012, City of Marion Administration Staff Enterprise Agreement No. If you are a party to an enterprise agreement that has been signed, you must apply for SAET approval within 21 days for SAET to approve. 6 2011, Adelaide Hills Council Field Enterprise Development Agreement No. South Australian Public Sector Wages Enterprise Agreement Weekly Paid 2017 (PDF 2608KB) Underlying Industrial Awards/Instruments. Major change/ transformation project. ACIC Enterprise Agreement (EA) 2016-19 579.53 KB. Developed and implemented a range of OD initiatives. 11 of 2021, District Council of Kimba Administration Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No. 6 2009, City of Mitcham / Local Government Employees Award Enterprise Agreement No. Enterprise agreements set out the conditions of employment between workers and employers. 6 2012, Northern Areas Council ASU Enterprise Agreement 2013, Northern Areas Council ASU Enterprise Agreement 2016, Northern Areas Council Enterprise Agreement No. Awaba Colliery Enterprise Agreement 2005 AG844787 PR965744 AG2005/7727 Coal industry 28-Nov-05. 3 2011, District Council of Mount Remarkable Enterprise Agreement No. 7 2009, District Council of Karoonda East Murray Enterprise Agreement No. 7 2012, District Council of Loxton Waikerie Enterprise Bargaining Variation Agreement (AWU) No. 7 2011, Rural City of Murray Bridge Municipal Officers Enterprise Agreement 2013, Rural City of Murray Bridge AWU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2014, Rural City of Murray Bridge Municipal Officers Enterprise Agreement 2015, Rural City of Murray Bridge AWU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2017, Rural City of Murray Bridge Municipal Officers Enterprise Agreement 2019, Rural City of Murray Bridge AWU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2020, Naracoorte Lucindale Council Municipal Officers Enterprise Agreement No. 7 of 2018, Renmark Paringa Council Enterprise Agreement (ASU) No. Wherever the following terms appear in this Agreement, they mean: Agreement - means the Federal Court of Australia Enterprise Agreement 2018-2021. The Report on Agreement Making fulfilled the requirements of the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (WR Act) to provide data on developments in enterprise bargaining over a three year period. 11 2010, District Council of Tumby Bay Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No. It effectively builds on the minimum conditions of employment which are contained in an award (or several awards) that applies to the employees of the business. 9 2022, Nurses Board of South Australia Enterprise Agreement 2003, Port Lincoln Aboriginal Health Service Incorporated Nurses Enterprise Agreement 2004, Nurses Board of South Australia Enterprise Agreement 2006, Nurses/Midwives (South Australian Public Sector) Enterprise Agreement 2007 as from 29 May 2008, Nursing and Midwifery Board of South Australia Enterprise Agreement 2010, Nursing/Midwifery (South Australian Public Sector) Enterprise Agreement 2010, Nurses/Midwives (South Australian Public Sector) Enterprise Agreement 2013, Nursing/Midwifery (South Australian Public Sector) Enterprise Agreement 2016, Nursing/Midwifery (South Australian Public Sector) Enterprise Agreement 2020, Nursing/Midwifery (South Australian Public Sector) Enterprise Agreement 2022, City of Onkaparinga Waste Management Section Enterprise Agreement 2019, City of Onkaparinga Local Government Employees Enterprise Agreement 2010, City of Onkaparinga Municipal Officers and Nurses Enterprise Agreement 2010, City of Onkaparinga Plant and Fleet (Workshop) Enterprise Agreement 2010, City of Onkaparinga Waste Management Section Enterprise Agreement 2010, City of Onkaparinga Municipal Officers and Nurses Enterprise Agreement 2013, City of Onkaparinga Local Government Employees Enterprise Agreement 2013, City of Onkaparinga Waste Management Section Enterprise Agreement 2013, City of Onkaparinga Plant and Fleet (Workshop) Enterprise Agreement 2013, City of Onkaparinga Municipal Officers and Nurses Enterprise Agreement 2016, City of Onkaparinga Local Government Employees Enterprise Agreement 2016, City of Onkaparinga Plant and Fleet (Workshop) Enterprise Agreement 2016, City of Onkaparinga Waste Management Section Enterprise Agreement 2016, City of Onkaparinga Local Government Employees Enterprise Agreement 2019, City of Onkaparinga Municipal Officers and Nurses Enterprise Agreement 2019, City of Onkaparinga Plant and Fleet (Workshop Team) Enterprise Agreement 2019, City of Onkaparinga Local Government Employees Enterprise Agreement 2021, City of Onkaparinga Municipal Officers and Nurses Enterprise Agreement 2022, City of Onkaparinga Waste Management Section Enterprise Agreement 2022, City of Onkaparinga Plant and Fleet (Workshop) Enterprise Agreement 2022, District Council of Orroroo/Carrieton Enterprise Agreement 2010, District Council of Orroroo/Carrieton Enterprise Agreement 2013, District Council of Orroroo / Carrieton Enterprise Agreement 2019, District Council of Orroroo/Carrieton Enterprise Agreement 2019, The District Council of Orroroo/Carrieton Enterprise Agreement 2022, District Council of Peterborough Enterprise Agreement No. 6 2011, Regional Council of Goyder Enterprise Agreement No. 8 2011, District Council of Grant Enterprise Agreement No. The title of this Agreement is the NAB Enterprise Agreement 2016 (Agreement). 5 2011, Mid Murray Council and AWU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No. 7 2017-2020, City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters 2019 2022 Municipal Officer Enterprise Agreement No. 7 2010, District Council of Kimba AWU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No. 10 of 2019, Southern Mallee District Council and AWU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2019, Southern Mallee District Council and AWU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2021, Southern Mallee District Council (ASU) Enterprise Agreement, No: 11 of 2022, Southern Region Waste Resource Authority Employee Collective Agreement 2010, Southern Region Waste Resource Authority Employee Collective Agreement 2010 Rescission, Staff Employed under the Parliament (Joint Services) Act 1985 Enterprise Agreement 2002, Staff Employed under the Parliament (Joint Services) Act 1985 Enterprise Agreement 2005, Staff Employed under the Parliament (Joint Services) Act 1985 Enterprise Agreement 2010, Staff Employed under the Parliament (Joint Services) Act 1985 Enterprise Agreement 2013, Staff Employed under the Parliament (Joint Services) Act 1985 Enterprise Agreement 2015, Staff Employed under the Parliament (Joint Services) Act 1985 Enterprise Agreement 2018, Staff Employed Under the Parliament (Joint Services) Act 1985 Enterprise Agreement 2021, State Governors Establishment Enterprise Agreement 2002, State Governors Establishment Enterprise Agreement 2005, State Governors Establishment Enterprise Agreement 2007, State Governors Establishment Enterprise Agreement 2010, State Theatre Company of South Australia Workshop and Props Enterprise Agreement 2010, State Theatre Company of South Australia Workshop and Props Enterprise Agreement 2012, State Theatre Company of South Australia Workshop and Props Enterprise Agreement 2014, State Theatre Company of South Australia Workshop and Props Enterprise Agreement 2016, State Theatre Company of South Australia Workshop and Props Enterprise Agreement 2020, State Theatre Company of South Australia Workshop and Props Enterprise Agreement 2021, District Council of Streaky Bay Enterprise Agreement No. Definitions (a) Act: the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) as amended from time to time, including any successor legislation. 4 2017, City of Port Adelaide Enfield Staff Enterprise Agreement No. Tip 3 - If a "zombie agreement" is in place obtain legal advice as to whether the BOOT test is still being passed. 13 of 2022, City of Marion Field Staff Enterprise Agreement No. 8 2018, Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council Enterprise Agreement No. 12 2009, District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No. Since the Fair Work Act was established in 2009, the Fair Work Commission is required to review the developments in making enterprise agreements . 6 2010, Southern Mallee District Council and AWU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2011, Southern Mallee District Council and AWU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2014, Southern Mallee District Council (ASU) Enterprise Agreement No. 12 2016, Berri Barmera Council (ASU) Enterprise Agreement No. (b) Agreement: this enterprise agreement, with the full title of Airservices Australia Enterprise Agreement 2019-2022. 8 2014, Port Pirie Regional Council Enterprise Agreement No. 6 2012, District Council of Peterborough Enterprise Agreement No. The Department of Health Enterprise Agreement (EA) 2019-2022 was approved by the Fair Work Commission on 19 March 2019 and took effect on 26 March 2019. The Fair Work Commission must be satisfied that the enterprise agreement meets all legislative requirements in the Fair Work Act before approving it. 6 2010, District Council of Grant Enterprise Agreement No. Apply to approve a new enterprise agreement (Form F16) Employer declaration for an enterprise agreement (Form F17) Union declaration for an enterprise agreement (Form F18) Employee rep declaration for an agreement (Form F18A) Employer's declaration for a greenfields agreement under s.182(3) (Form F20) 13 of 2019, Berri Barmera Council (AWU) Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No. An enterprise agreement sets out conditions of employment for employees covered by the agreement. 2. 5 2004, District Council of Franklin Harbour and Field Staff Enterprise Agreement No. In addition, the Secretary's s.24(1) Determination provides remuneration increases to all staff covered by the Enterprise Agreement on 28 March 2022. 1 2010, Wudinna District Council AWU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No. DP World Australia (DPWA) and the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) have finalised all four enterprise agreements at DP World's terminals. To inspect the official copy of an enterprise agreement, or other documents in the case file, pleasecontact SAET Registry. Australia Post Enterprise Agreement 2021 03 Agreed Terms . 7 2010, District Council of Cleve (AWU) Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No. Once approved the agreement will then come into force. 10 2016, City of Salisbury Municipal Officers Enterprise Agreement No. 7 2016, City of Holdfast Bay Field Services Enterprise Agreement No. For an Azure Savings Plan commitment amount of 3.33/hour entered by the customer, if the markup is 13%, after the markdown to arrive at partner price and the subsequent markup in the cost and usage reports, there's minor variance in numbers: Customer entered value: 3.33/hour. 9 2016, District Council of Karoonda East Murray ASU Enterprise Agreement No. 8 2014, District Council of Yankalilla Enterprise Agreement No. They can be made under either state or federal legislation. 8 2018, City of Tea Tree Gully Indoor Staff Enterprise Agreement No. 14 2012, District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No. Page 1 of 55 1. 8 2016, District Council of Yankalilla Enterprise Agreement No. 9 2016, City of Mitcham and Australian Services Union Enterprise Agreement No. The Enterprise Agreement is designed for . Our department recognises the First Peoples of this nation and their ongoing connection to culture and country. 7 2015, District Council of Peterborough Enterprise Agreement No. 10 2017, Kingston District Council Enterprise Agreement No. A final ballot held yesterday (Monday 22Feb) at DP World Melbourne saw the majority of the employees vote in favour of their new enterprise agreement. 6 2011, District Council of Streaky Bay Enterprise Agreement No. 5 2008, District Council of Loxton Waikerie Enterprise Agreement No. APS - means the Australian Public Service. 5 2020, City of Port Adelaide Enfield Field Staff Enterprise Agreement Number 11-2021, Corporation of the City of Port Augusta AWU E.B. Also, during the term of the . The new EA should allow customers and partners to more efficiently review their contracts, spending less time on . Awards don't apply when a business has a registered agreement and the employee is covered by it. 9 2011, Centennial Park Cemetery Employees Enterprise Agreement No. Enterprise Agreement Writing Services: Using our years of hands-on experience in the security industry, we . 9 2015, City of Campbelltown Indoor Staff Enterprise Agreement No. 12 of 2019, District Council of Loxton Waikerie Enterprise Agreement No. 7 2009, Berri Barmera Council (AWU) Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No. 11 2016, Centennial Park Cemetery Authority Administration Employees Enterprise Agreement 2017, Centennial Park Cemetery Employees Enterprise Agreement No. 7 2010, Corporation of the Town of Walkerville Enterprise Bargaining Agreement Field Staff 2010, Wattle Range and Australian Workers Union Enterprise Agreement 2009, Wattle Range Council and Australian Workers Union Enterprise Agreement 2009 Consolidated, Wattle Range Council and Australian Workers Union Enterprise Agreement 2012, Wattle Range Council ASU Enterprise Agreement 2012, Wattle Range Council and Australian Workers Union Enterprise Agreement 2015, Wattle Range Council ASU Enterprise Agreement 2015, Wattle Range Council AWU Enterprise Agreement 2018, Wattle Range Council ASU Enterprise Agreement 2018, Wattle Range Council and Australian Workers Union Enterprise Agreement 2021, 2021 Wattle Range Council ASU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement, Wattle Range Council and Australian Workers Union Enterprise Agreement 2023, West Beach Trust Enterprise Agreement 2012, West Beach Trust Enterprise Agreement 2015, West Beach Trust Enterprise Agreement 2018, West Beach Trust Enterprise Agreement 2020, City of West Torrens ANF Nursing Employees Enterprise Agreement 2010, City of West Torrens Municipal Officers Enterprise Agreement 2011, City of West Torrens Enterprise Agreement (Local Government Employees) 2012, City of West Torrens ANMF Nursing Employees Enterprise Agreement 2014, City of West Torrens Health Services Employees Enterprise Agreement 2014, City of West Torrens Enterprise Agreement (Local Government Employees) 2014, City of West Torrens Municipal Salaried Officers Enterprise Agreement 2014, City of West Torrens Health Services Employees Enterprise Agreement 2014 (Consolidated 1 April 2015), City of West Torrens Enterprise Agreement (Local Government Employees) 2017, City of West Torrens Municipal Salaried Officers and Nurses Enterprise Agreement 2017, City of West Torrens Municipal Salaried Officers Enterprise Agreement 2021, City of West Torrens Local Government Enterprise Agreement 2021-2024, Corporation of the City of Whyalla Enterprise Agreement No. by start or end date. (Western Australia) Enterprise Agreement 2017ae427248 VARA 2017: Contact ALAEA. 8 2012, District Council of Loxton Waikerie Enterprise Agreement No. 9, Adelaide Hills Council Office Enterprise Development Agreement 2019, No. The Enterprise Agreement is an agreement between Geoscience Australia and staff about terms and conditions of employment. 9 2016, District Council of Cleve Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No. 2022, District Council of Cleve (AWU) Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No 11. Last updated: 06 December 2022. print Print this page. X. 11 of 2021, District Council of Karoonda East Murray AWU Enterprise Agreement No. 6 2009, Flinders Ranges Council Enterprise Agreement No. Rockingham Community Financial Services and Finance Sector Union Workplace Agreement 2010. For a poison emergency in Australia call. 10 of 2018, City of Mitcham Local Government Employees Award Enterprise Agreement No 12 of 2018, City of Mitcham and Australian Services Union Enterprise Agreement No. iHR Australia provide assistance with the following key phases anticipated in the development and lodgement of Enterprise Agreements. These simple agreements can either be made by one employer or more than one employer together with a group . Your organization's credit includes your Azure Prepayment (previously called monetary commitment). 9 2016, District Council of Kimba Administration Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No. 6 2011, Adelaide Hills Council Office Enterprise Development Agreement No. 7 2010, District Council of Cleve (AWU) Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No. This agreement has closed a two and a half year negotiation process for replacement agreements. 5 2010, City of Tea Tree Gully Enterprise Agreement No. These are: single enterprise agreements (covering a single business or enterprise) multi enterprise agreements (covering more than one business or enterprise) greenfields agreements (covering new enterprises that don't have any employees yet). 2 2012, Wudinna District Council Outdoor Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No. 11 2015, City of Salisbury, AWU and Local Government Employees (Enterprise Bargaining) Agreement No. 8 2011, Kingston District Council Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No. We acknowledge First Nations Peoples as the Traditional Owners, Custodians and Lore Keepers of the world's oldest living culture and pay respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. Email ebtrends@ag.gov.au to request a copy of the report. 8 2014, Corporation of the City of Adelaide Wages Enterprise Agreement No. 10 2018, City of Campbelltown Municipal Officers Staff Enterprise Agreement No. 1 2002 Rescission, Renmark Paringa Council Enterprise Agreement (AWU) No. 5 2005, District Council of Mount Barker AWU Enterprise Agreement 2011, District Council of Mount Barker Inside Staff Enterprise Agreement No. 8 2016, The District Council of Streaky Bay Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No. Agreement 2017/2020, Corporation of the City of Port Augusta AWU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2010-2012 Variation, Corporation of the City of Port Augusta AWU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2010-2012, Port Augusta City Council ASU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2010-2012, Port Augusta City Council Aged Care Services Enterprise Agreement 2010, Port Augusta City Council ASU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2012-2013, Corporation of the City of Port Augusta AWU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2012-2015, Corporation of the City of Port Augusta AWU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2015-2017, Port Augusta City Council ASU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2014-2017, Port Augusta City Council Operations Enterprise Agreement 2021-2024, Port Augusta City Council Salaried Officers Enterprise Agreement 2021-2024, City of Port Lincoln Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2010-2013, City of Port Lincoln Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2013-2014, City of Port Lincoln Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2016-2019, City of Port Lincoln Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2019 2022, Port Pirie Regional Council Enterprise Agreement No. The Defence Enterprise Agreement (DEA) provides the levels of progression and salary scales. Eligible dependant for remote localities assistance (clause 52) - means a spouse . 7 2015, Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council Enterprise Agreement 2015, Clare and Gilbert Valley Council Enterprise Agreement 2018, Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council Enterprise Agreement No. 7 2012, City of Tea Tree Gully Nurses Enterprise Agreement 2012, City of Tea Tree Gully Field Staff Australian Workers Union Enterprise Agreement No. Approval of enterprise agreement by the FWC. Sign up for one or more of our email lists to receive the latest news, announcements and opportunities from our department. 7 2013, Adelaide Hills Council Field Enterprise Development Agreement No. South Australia Police Enterprise Agreement 2021 (PDF 4966KB) South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service Enterprise Agreement 2022 (PDF, 2.7 MB) South Australian Public Sector Enterprise Agreement: Salaried 2021 (PDF 10,250KB) South Australian Public Sector Wages Parity Enterprise Agreement: Weekly Paid 2022 (PDF 13,236KB) South Australian . 9 2016, District Council of Grant Enterprise Agreement No. Please obtain the relevant form(s) via theSAET Formspage. 6 2010, District Council of Mount Remarkable Enterprise Agreement ASU No. View current agreements applicable to your employer DTF . 9 2018, City of Holdfast Bay & Australian Services Union ASU Administration Staff EA No 8 2019, City of Holdfast Bay Field Services Staff Enterprise Agreement No.10 2021, City of Holdfast Bay (Alwyndor Aged Care) Employee Enterprise Agreement No. It is negotiated within an award safety net to support the employer and employees in establishing workplace conditions that support their needs. Includes rates for Chief of Division Grade 2 and Medical Officer Class 6. 7 2017, Mid Murray Council (ASU) Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No 8 2021, City of Mitcham / Local Government Employees Award Enterprise Agreement No. 6 2010, Mid Murray Council ASU Enterprise Agreement No. Court - means the Federal Court of Australia.. Defence Enterprise Agreement 2017-2020 (PDF 689.33 KB) . 10 (2021), Legal Services Commission of South Australia Enterprise Agreement 2002, Lerwin Nursing Home and ANMF Enterprise Agreement 2014, Lerwin Nursing Home and ANMF Enterprise Agreement 2015, Lerwin Nursing Home and ANMF Enterprise Agreement 2018, Lerwin Nursing Home and ANMF Enterprise Agreement 2021, Light Regional Council and Officers Workplace Collective Agreement 2009, Light Regional Council and AWU Enterprise Agreement 2010, Light Regional Council and AWU Enterprise Agreement 2012, Light Regional Council and Officers Enterprise Agreement 2012, Light Regional Council and AWU Enterprise Agreement 2015, Light Regional Council and Officers Agreement 2018, Light Regional Council AWU Enterprise Agreement 2021, Light Regional Council and Officers Enterprise Agreement 2021, Lotteries Commission of South Australia Enterprise Agreement 2005, Lotteries Commission of South Australia Enterprise Agreement 2003, Lotteries Commission of South Australia Enterprise Agreement 2010, Lotteries Commission of South Australia Enterprise Agreement 2012, District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No. 11 of 2021, District Council of Mount Barker Monarto Quarries Enterprise Agreement No. GoVote is an Australian industry leader in the delivery of independent enterprise agreement voting services. the terms of the enterprise agreement that will be varied . 9 of 2019, Northern Areas Council Enterprise Agreement No 10 of 2021, Northern Areas Council (ASU) Enterprise Agreement 2021, City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters Municipal Officers Enterprise Agreement No. 7 2010, Mid Murray Council and AWU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement No Credit. 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