The crew of Qantas 735 heard Velocity 1384 broadcast their decision to divert to Mildura. Graham Young. Common Traffic Advisory Frequency is the frequency on which pilots operating at a non-towered aerodrome should make positional radio broadcasts. However, this service was not guaranteed and as such, the responsibility for checking the weather enroute remained with the pilot in command but may be assisted by the operators flight operations personnel in some cases. PS The silence accorded the Bureau by the mainstream media for all of their indiscretions is much more complete than that ever accorded Barnaby Joyce. 2 tank supplying the majority of the fuel to both engines and therefore being used at a higher rate. en route weather phenomena that may affect the safety of aircraft operations (SIGMET). This page was created at 00:41 on Thursday 19 January 2023 (UTC), Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2023, Bureau of Meteorology (ABN 92 637 533 532) | CRICOS Provider 02015K | Disclaimer | Privacy | Accessibility,, The CVR recorded discussion between the crew about the position of the fuel pumps and crossfeed valve. These requests are actioned automatically and do not require flight following staff input. Employed to minimise unnecessary distractions during critical phases of flight. Mildura 14 Day Extended Forecast. Completing the fuel imbalance checklist with low fuel on board would have resulted in the closure of the crossfeed valve (see appendix B). Use the prefix only until an updated MET product or NOTAM is available for dissemination as per [15] Generation of a routine TAF for Mildura Airport is also secondary to issuing trend forecasts (TTF) and amended TAFs for major international airports and category A airports (such as Canberra). The dispatch duty manager had oversight of the dispatch and flight watch functions at Qantas Airways Ltd. (Qantas). On completion of this initial research, the ATSB will progressively examine the weather forecast reliability at all Australian major airports. At about 1015 EST on 18 June 2013 air traffic control advised the ATSB of a fuel related occurrence involving a Boeing 737-8FE (B737), registered VH-YIR, at Mildura Airport, Victoria. The captain reported hearing this transmission while preparing for the approach into Adelaide. The article did not contain a definition of non-routine MET products but did contain the following practical example of what ATCinitiated FIS would not include: you will not automatically receive routine TAF information showing deteriorating weather conditions if you are en route to a location [bolding in original]. This decision was passed to the crew of Qantas 735. However, the timely dissemination of such information optimises the likelihood of effective flight crew planning and decision making. Civil Aviation Regulation 1988 (CAR) subregulation 257(4) specified that if an element of the meteorological minima for landing is less than that determined for the aircraft operation at the aerodrome, the aircraft must not land at that aerodrome. At the time, neither Velocity 1384 nor Qantas735were on this frequency and so did not hear this transmission. AIP GEN3.3 section 2.5.2 stated that: When providing FIS, ATC will not alert pilots to the availability of aerodrome weather reports that are available from an automatic broadcast service. (iii) relay of communications with ATC: IFR clearance and SVFR [special VFR] authorization. This TAF predicted similar conditions as the 0303 forecast, but with the addition of a 30 per cent probability of fog developing. They were provided with two routine (METAR) reports for Mildura, which indicated conditions were suitable for an approach, with cloud above the landing minima and visibility in excess of 10 km. This advice is also available by dialling 1300 659 210. Pilots are reminded of their responsibility for collecting all relevant information to support inflight decision making. Both allowed aircraft to be dispatched without carrying alternate fuel if the weather forecast for the destination did not require an alternate. Filed Under: Information Tagged With: Temperatures. Central Flight Watch desk dissolved and Flight Following introduced mid 2014 with desks split up into regions and Flight Following assigned to individual desks. At about 2350 WST, when the flight crew commenced descent, the aircraft passed the point where it had sufficient fuel to divert to Learmonth, Western Australia. Weather Wind Rainfall Sun Moon UV Tides Swell. Even a mere pleb such as myself can see that the temperature readings are remarkably different, and always tending higher, not lower. It operates from specific very high frequency (VHF) transmitters and the contents of the broadcast from each transmitter cater for the needs of aircraft operating in control areas within the broadcast range of each transmitter. LOW VIS PROCSWND 360/5, MAX DW 5 KTS.VIS 500M IN FOGCLD FEW015TMP 6.QNH 1020, SPECI YPAD 172300Z 04006KT 0150 FG BKN000 06/06 Q1021RMK RF00.0/000.0TTF: FM2330 05005KT 9999 FEW025, METAR YMIA 172300Z 23004KT 9999 BKN039 07/06 Q1019RMK RF00.0/000.2, TAF YPAD 172302Z 1800/1906VRB05KT 9999 FEW030 SCT045FM181000 VRB05KT CAVOKFM190000 04008KT CAVOKRMKT 11 14 15 11 Q 1020 1020 1020 1021, TAF YMIA 172302Z 1800/181220008KT 9999 SCT030 SCT050RMKT 08 12 13 10 Q 1020 1019 1019 1020, ATIS YPAD Y 172311APCH: EXP INST APCHRWY: 23OPR INFO: HIAL ON. In particular, in relation to this occurrence, it was noted that pilots would have expected the crews of Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 to have been told of the fog at Adelaide prior to changing to the Tailem Bend sector frequency. During normal operations both engines are pressure fed from the centre tank until it is empty and then each engine is pressure fed from its respective wing tank. Occasionally the destination weather deteriorates, necessitating a diversion. A routine weather report (METAR) is issued at fixed times, hourly or half hourly. The chance of a thunderstorm, possibly severe. The forecaster then issued an amended TAF at 0952 with a 30 per cent probability of fog, visibility 500 m and broken cloud at 200 ft AGL for 2 hours. This TTF forecast that the fog would now remain until 0930. As part of that process, each organisation was asked to communicate what safety actions, if any, they had carried out or were planning to carry out in relation to each safety issue relevant to their organisation. The submissions were reviewed and where considered appropriate, the text of the report was amended accordingly. At this stage, the company meteorologist called the BoM to determine their confidence in this clearance and also reviewed other information sources to determine the possible impact of fog on the arrival of Velocity 1384. Without this, the diversion of an aircraft to an alternate due to poor weather at the destination will not trigger increased monitoring. Before that point, there had been no requirement for the aircraft to carry fuel to continue to a suitable alternate. The captain reported hearing this information but did not pass it to the FO on their return. It caters predominately for aircraft operating in control areas within VHF range of the facility. In addition, the assessment of the TTF was completed amongst the flight following personnels other priorities and workload. Subsequent SPECIs at 0928, 0930and 0932showed the visibility decreasing from 5,000 m to 2,100 m in mist, with broken cloud at 200 ft. MILDURA AIRPORT . There were two additional opportunities for the crew of Velocity 1384 to become aware of the deteriorating weather at Adelaide while en route. This TAF included a forecast for mist and a 30 per cent probability of fog, a forecast visibility of 500m and broken cloud at 200 ft AGL for 2 hours. At this time the aircraft was about 156 NM (289 km) to the east-north-east of Adelaide Airport. Good situation awareness supports effective decision making, which relies on accurate information being obtained in a timely manner (Endsley, 1997). This included the 0800 TTF, which indicated fog that was predicted to clear at 0900. They were advised of fog at Adelaide by Air Traffic Control (ATC) at 0844, once they changed to the en route sector frequency immediately prior to the Adelaide terminal area airspace. In part, these included: (b) FISE: the exchange on the FISE [flight information service en route] frequency of information pertinent to the en-route phase of flight. Mildura, Victoria January 2023 Daily Weather Observations IDCJDW3051.202301 Prepared at 00:36 UTC on Monday 16 January 2023 Source of data Observations were drawn from Mildura Airport {station 076031}. In order to access information from an AWIS, an aircraft needs to be within VHF range. Another Virgin aircraft then asked ATC to clarify if that report was for Melbourne, to which ATC responded negative, Adelaide. Given the TAF only had a 30 per cent probability of fog, and as the aircraft was in the sterile cockpit phase of flight, flight watch did not pass the TAF to the crew at this point. The crews decisions to hold or attempt an immediate landing at a lower minima at Mildura Airport relied on crew judgement. As a result, the crews were compelled to land at Mildura in conditions below the minima permitted for landing, with Velocity 1384 also landing below their required fuel reserves. Most of these data are generated automatically and are frequently updated. This TAF forecasted visibility in excess of 10 km and scattered cloud at 3,000 and 5,000 ft. No significant weather was listed on the TAF and no indication of low cloud or fog was given. The 1-minute AWS visibility data for Mildura Airport on 18June2013 recorded a reduction in visibility from greater than 10 km to around 1,500 m at 0927. The objective of this service is to contribute towards the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation. Mildura, Victoria November 2022 Daily Weather Observations IDCJDW3051.202211 Prepared at 13:01 UTC on Friday 2 December 2022 Source of data Observations were drawn from Mildura Airport {station 076031}. A standard ground aid to landing, comprising two directional radio transmitters: the localizer, which provides direction in the horizontal plane; and the glideslope, for vertical plane direction, usually at an inclination of 3. Velocity 1384 departed Brisbane, Queensland at 0638 Eastern Standard Time[1] and had six crew and 85 passengers on board. The FOs relevant aeronautical experience is outlined in Table 2. Additionally, the actions of the shift supervisor to advise the aisle supervisor and BoM of the unforecast conditions at Mildura reflected the appropriate escalation of important operational information. The ATSB also found that in certain weather patterns and at certain locations, fog is both rare and difficult to forecast reliably. The manual gave the following guidance to crew in order to ensure compliance: Once airborne, the amount of fuel onboard the aircraft at any point inflight should not be less than: In relation to in-flight fuel checks, it further stated: If sufficient fuel does not remain on board at the PNR [Point of No Return] to allow continued flight to the destination in accordance with the inflight fuel requirements, a diversion shall be made to an aerodrome which satisfies the inflight fuel requirements. Automatic weather stations (AWS) provide data to the BoM that is used to generate observation reports and forecasts at various locations throughout Australia. This service responds to in-flight requests for operational information from pilots operating in all classes of airspace on air traffic control VHF frequencies or high frequencies (HF). Forecasting fog for aviation purposes is known to present a number of challenges. VOLMET provides meteorological information for Australian major international airports and Townsville via high frequency (HF) radio transmission. OVERLAY Radar - Rain - Beta. The DME or GNSS arrival had a circling minima of 980 ft for large jet aircraft. As such, the TAF that was valid at the time reflected a temporary period of low cloud that was expected to last between 30 and 60 minutes (TEMPO), rather than fog. Finding an ideal family-friendly small hotel in Mildura does not have to be difficult. Cockpit Resource Management, Academic Press, pp.137172. The BoM claims that measurements from such devices are 'comparable' to measurements from traditional mercury thermometers, which were used to measure official air temperatures at Mildura from 13 June 1889 until 1 November 1996. The crew of Qantas 735 applied a revised minimum to the approach that was 200 ft lower than that published. The TTF predicted that the fog would clear at 0900and the company meteorologist called the BoM to determine the forecasters confidence that the fog would clear at 0900. The Velocity 1384 FO replied that they were in the same boat but, after discussion between the captain and FO of Velocity 1384, they elected to hold and allow Qantas735to continue with the approach. An automated pre-recorded transmission indicating the prevailing weather conditions at the aerodrome and other relevant operational information for arriving and departing aircraft. The issue of verifying the claimed record hot day on 23 September 2017 is compounded by the BoMs method of measuring temperatures in particular the absence of averaging over at least one minute which is standard for electronic probes. You do not have a default location set, Doug, the original studies are here Eastern Standard time [ 1 ] and had six crew and 85 passengers on board Australian major airports 289 )! 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Inteletravel Back Office Login, Articles B