The legend says that the front of the cave was shallow but led to two larger rooms connected by a small tunnel. Scullyville now a ghost town was a Confederate outpost during the Civil War. After holding it up, they discovered a heavy iron-bound chest filled with gold. Not long before Bob and Grat Dalton, the two main members of the Dalton Gang were killed in Coffeyville, Kansas when they were attempting to hold up the Condon Bank they were committing train and bank robberies in Oklahoma. With very little law came a great opportunity for outlaw holdups. But I hope these few that I wrote about have wet your appetite for lost treasure stories. Somewhere in the Kiamichi Mountains, there is about $80,000 in gold coins buried there. It made up Choctaw Nations Moshulatubbee District. (source), The shoreline of Nova Scotia is occupied by some of the worlds most beautiful small, Legend has it that Tennessees Flat Creek is the site where you can find the, Oklahoma has a history thats ripe for finding treasure. The arrowhead pointed upwards, as if pointing towards the sky. Thank you for sharing these historical tales and adventures. Some of the most productive places for metal detecting include: 1. It is also available for fishing, with spotted bass, smallmouth bass, and largemouth bass being the most popular fish in the creek. Legend around those parts is that Jesse and the James Gang robbed a Mexican Mule Train that was carrying gold near this area. I found OK I teresting especially since my son and his wife and my new grandson love in OK city. But that does not mean that there are no hidden or buried treasures in Oklahoma. Still, that does not discount the presence of Spanish miners. Okay its not cheap, but your finds are going to increase with this machine. Then they held up a bank in El Reno, Ok, and got away with $17,000. Lost Treasures of Jesse James Jesse James is one of the most famous and most written about outlaws in the Wild West. Right before Al Spencer was fatally shot by a posse it is said that he hid an undetermined amount of loot in the woods on the Oklahoma border with Kansas about two miles south of Caney, Kansas. Wichita Mountains Comanche County google maps link. Scullyville is located about twelve miles south of Fort Smith on the Arkansas River. Standing Rock and the other towns were on the north bank of Piney Creek. Happy Treasure Hunting! These symbols were to indicate where the treasure was buried so that they could easily find it on their return trip. Carissa is the huge metal detecting enthusiast that loves collecting coins. July 20, 2007. Because of their wide reign of terror, locals got together and ambushed them. There is a famous lost treasure story in this area about $2 million in gold bullion being buried by French miners. According to many locals, there is a common saying that there is more treasure to be found in Oklahoma than in the rest of the entire Southwest US. The treasure consists of gold coins that were buried by an old miner. A story also speaks of a treasure chest that was found in 1931, however, that has not been proven. Although the story of Coronado and his men is entertaining, the likelihood of it being true is very slim. As he lay dying, he took the doctor in confidence and told him how to find his buried coin. Lesser Known Treasure Stories Episode 2; The UnXplained: Hunting Lost Civil War Gold (Season 4) First inhabited in the 1900s, people formerly called the town Texokla and Texoma before having its last name Texola. We will be discussing 13 lost treasures of Oklahoma in this article. It was at this rock where Coronado and his men stopped to rest. This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. These consisted of a stylized turtle and a triangle with a handle attached to one of the points. Finally, they decided to bury the remaining gold in the floor of the cave and return for it two later. Oklahoma Lost Treasure Sites Kiamichi Mountain Hoard Near the town of Cloudy in the Kiamichi Mountains is a buried treasure worth approximately $80,000. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Despite their best efforts, the mob was upon them and cut down most of the outlaws. ), Oregon Lost Treasures (15 Greats Treasures to Discover! This 98-mile-long river is a tributary of Arkansas, Oklahomas Little River, and a portion of the Mississippi Rivers watershed. I know I have written about many of his lost and buried loot treasure stories in this series of the lost treasures of the United States. LONE GROVE, Okla. - A young Oklahoma boy and his grandfather made the discovery of a lifetime while looking for hidden treasures. Amazon. Located approximately ten miles southeast of Chouteau, on rte 69. If allowed get your metal detector out a sweep, but always be respectful. While they were here and they operated all through the Midwest, they robbed numerous trains and banks. A turtle was usually the symbol used as a mark on each of these points. They would steal from travelers in the area. Because of this constant shifting, the future state was largely ignored until the 1880s. - Fri. E-mail: Every state has an unclaimed property program. The triangle location was much used. In 1933, Samuel Stewart was said to have buried $5,000 in $20 gold coins in the Gyp Hills on his farm near Butler. The Dalton Gang had a short stint at being outlaws in the wild west starting in 1890 and ending in 1892. The ranchers treasure was located inside, buried about a foot deep. Although the stretches in four states, most of its length lies in Oklahoma. 3. and River Traditions LLC participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and others, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and other companies. The result was the death of four of the outlaws and four citizens, and a prison term for the only survivor, Emmett Dalton. Once loaded, he fled towards the northeast, intending to reach Oklahoma City by nightfall. Here are six places to begin your search for buried treasure in Oklahoma. With so much of his team sick and wore out, Coronado decided to hide the treasure until they finished their hunt. mesa. The tool that I actually recommend is using a Metal Detector. April 6, 2007. During this time, a great many Spaniards flocked to the Wichita Mountains to seek gold. Mexican Bandits or Banditos once roamed portions of Oklahoma in the early 1800s. This made them some of the wealthiest outlaws of their time. A Wagon Load of Gold. Read Where to Metal Detect in Oklahoma (with Maps!). Samuel Davis was the founder of Davis, Oklahoma. From the well, he strode out ten paces, dug a hole deep enough to hide the saddle bags, then deposited them and tried to remove any trace that there was anything there. He vowed to return one day, but never made it. Oklahoma is filled with lost and buried treasure stories. The lodge and resort also serve the visitors of both the lake and the state park. After he got out of prison he came back to get the payroll that he buried years earlier. Another tale comes several years later, this time originating with the American Civil War. There are several lost treasure stories associated with Jesse James in Oklahoma. B. Hitchcock, who related the story to the local media. Thank you! In the early 1800s, the area of Three Forks used to be a prominent trading post. More information can be found in A Guide to Treasure in Oklahoma Volume 3 $10,000 in stolen Liberty Bonds are buried on a farm in the Osage Hills. On Tuesday, Tripp and his grandfather set out to use their new. Local stories claim that they followed Mill Creek to the south. Treasure hunting in private properties is one of the most popular activities for metal detector hobbyists. People believe that French explorers under the leadership of Bernard de la Harpe named the river in 1716. Thanks for your comment and for reading these lost treasure stories. More information can be found in. Scullyville started to decline after the Civil War but some buildings still remain and may be among those buildings lie some buried Confederate treasure! (, The rich treasure stories of Oklahoma continue to be a colorful part of the states history despite being passed down from one generation to another. Many have searched for this treasure but it has yet to be discovered. Some of it, the stories go, is from Spanish explorers. Treasure Legends - Oklahoma Top threads 1 . It is claimed that the Cherokee went in search of the ranchers pay, found all of the markers, but still wasnt able to find the stash of silver coins. The hoard was buried by the famous outlaw Jesse James. The following are those accounts. Reportedly, these French explorers named the river Poteau as they used a post to mark its mouth. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. the four were killed in a saloon gun fight. Fort Sill was an old trading post. The truth of the lost treasure at Standing Rock may never be known. On the banks of Blue River close to Durante, Ok. Outlaws attacked an Army supply train and hid the coins in the cave. Well compared to north Idaho most places do suck. Copyright 2023 Metal Detecting Tips and River Traditions LLC, This site is owned and operated by River Traditions LLC, a limited liability company headquartered in Michigan, USA. (source), This book tells the story of 89 legends about lost mines and treasures. She is also highly interested in other treasure hunting activities like magnet fishing and gold prospecting/panning. Lake Murray South Central Oklahoma google maps link. He has two buried treasure stories to his name in Oklahoma. Founded in 1892, it had a post office that opened on March 24, 1896, and closed on June 30, 1955. While he had heard legends of the buried loot, he never took them seriously until the arrival of the caretaker. The rancher instructed the doctor to find the carved hatchet on Standing Rock and follow the direction the handle pointed. A heavily laden cart was held up during one of these gold transfers in 1819. Jesse James is one of the most famous and most written about outlaws in the Wild West. The rivers upper course flows through a part of the Ouachita National Forrest. Jesse James and his brother Frank had strong ties with Oklahoma as his brother used to call the town of Fletcher his home. The Neosho River flows through the northeastern part of Oklahoma. He operated a successful dry goods store there, and was instrumental in bring in the Santa Fe depot. Following the outlaws death, the caretaker moved to Davis, Oklahoma where he would spend many years searching for the treasure. Inquisition. Confederates buried numerous treasures and then sealed the cave entrances with the bodies of the Spaniards left inside. Coronado and his men did travel through Oklahoma, but their only movement in the state was to cross the panhandle. During the 1800s, it was a favorite camp site for travelers heading towards California. It is claimed that the James Gang had a private cache hidden in a cave nearby. While traveling south, the rancher lost his way and soon found himself in unfamiliar territory. It is also the seventh largest river within the said state. It has more than enough features you will need to find most treasures buried in the ground. Good read! ), Metal Detecting Digging Tools Complete Guide, How to Metal Detect on Private Property (the right way), Weird Oklahoma: Your Travel Guide to Oklahomas Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets, Lost Mines and Treasure Tales of the Southeastern United States. People who want to learn about the history of treasures in Oklahoma will learn so much from this book and maybe find them themselves. Wichita Mountains has several ranches and quarries still in operation. The outlaws set fire to the caravan before riding away. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Cory. This 141-mile river is the only river in Oklahoma that flows north. The name is because this is where the Choctaw Agency is, where the members of this unincorporated town collected their annuity payments. To honor the US Marshalls and the civilians who perished during the Battle of Ingalls, the state of Oklahoma built a stone memorial in the town. He supposedly buried the cache in a copper box, near his cabin. It is said that he buried the loot on a farm in the Osage Hills close to the small town of Okesa, Ok. This unincorporated community had its name to describe the character of the townsite. The Land Run of 1891 opened the land where Parkland lies to white settlement on September 28, 1891. During one of his famous raids, it is said that he stashed a bit of his loot in one of the rear tunnels. For several years, a gang of Mexican outlaws had terrorized what would become northern Texas, parts of Oklahoma and even up in to Missouri. This item: Lost Mines and Buried Treasures of Oklahoma (Lost Mines and Buried Treasures series) by W.C. Jameson Paperback $15.99 Old Maps of Oklahoma by Eli Hartley Paperback $24.99 Oklahoma Treasures and Treasure Tales by Steve Wilson Paperback $29.95 Editorial Reviews About the Author In a fight with some Indians, one of the bandits was killed and their horses were stolen. . Legend has it that an outlaw hid four bags of gold and silver coins inside a well inside the fort, which has been covered since then. As Ft. Sill was closer, the outlaw boldly decided to find a doctor there. Old settlements are likely to have lots of coins and other treasures buried in the soil. Get more stories delivered right to your email. A dot in the center of a triangle on a rock or tree meant the treasure was buried in the center of the triangle area. Outlaws buried several treasures in large caverns on the Only in Oklahoma: Sands Of Time Conceal States Buried Treasure. One of the drivers was wounded and two horses were shot. The state has its fair share of gold rushes and notorious outlaws who have stashed their loot in the mountains, rivers, and caverns of Oklahoma. Federal troops eventually destroyed the fort. He quickly grabbed a shotgun and began firing. Im frequently asked what machines I use and recommend. Having no luck, he then passed the map on to his good friend, Samuel H. Davis. The state did eight different surveys of this town, which suggested that some of its early residents lived here without ever relocating. This was a route that had been taken many times before and was considered safe. While the posse was hot on his trail, Jesse buried the treasure. As a result, the once populated village became a ghost town and a famous place among treasure hunters. A Guide to Treasure in Oklahoma Volume 2. However, years passed, and natural disasters caused the towns economy and population that it is now. There's a chance they plug him in as the Cheetah, utilizing his versatility and athleticism. Forty-one campgrounds have electric and water hookups; the rest are for traditional camping. State and local agencies have been looking for the child since her 5-year-old sister was found wandering alone outside a home Jan. 10. In his attempt to escape, he was badly wounded and before he died, he confessed that the gold was cached in the rocks SW of Mount Scott. Union Mission is located around ten miles southeast of Chouteau, on Route 69. There are a few lost treasure stories associated with Jesse James stay in Oklahoma and you will learn about them in the following paragraphs. I would have to say Oklahoma has more treasure tales to tell than most of the states in the Union! Another great story on OK. Man it must rake a lot of research to make your stories happen. Those carrying large reserves of gold made easy targets for outlaws, as pulling the wagons significantly slowed down the money trains. Could be a load of gold just waiting to be dug up in Oklahoma. When Emmett one of the Dalton brothers got out of prison he said that he believed the loot that they buried there was tainted and he wanted nothing to do with it. Oklahoma has a history thats ripe for finding treasure. Still carrying the coins, he knew he had to get rid of them somehow. Oil Wasnt The Only Treasure Sought Underground. Buried Loot on the Banks of The Neosho River, Buried Bags of Gold Near Black Dog Trail Crossing, Lost Bandito Treasure Near The Blue River, French Miners Gold Buried on Sugarloaf Peak, Confederate Treasure Near The Ghost Town of Scullyville, 11 Lost Treasures of Oregon (Buried Treasure Awaits). Oklahoma is not a very famous state for being home to many lost treasures. Three most famous places to go for treasure hunting are Fort Sill, Mill Creek, and the Blue River. After burying the gold, one of the outlaws killed the other to keep the gold himself, only to be captured in Marlow shortly afterward. Years later Cottrel went to Fort Sill and told the people there about the buried payroll and requested permission to dig in the area. Each wagon carried two large barrels of gold coins. One of the earliest tales of buried treasure in Oklahoma stem from Spanish explorers. It also contains the Oklahoma secrets hiding in plain sight, waiting for you to discover them. Within a few weeks, after he was well recovered, he could return to pick up his stash. Mexicans fleeing from a band of Indians are said to have buried their treasure somewhere near the ruins of the old Pecan School, which is located approximately 15 miles south of Lawton on the Cache River. Wilbert Martin from Tulsa had a theory on these markings. After the loot was hidden, they carved several markers throughout the area. Union Mission was a Presbyterian mission that was founded in 1819 and it served to convert Osage Indians in the area. The large amount was weighing down the packhorses and slowing the men down. Hi, Andrew yeah there is a ton of research involved in making these lost treasure stories but I enjoy doing every minute of it. Some of them were killed and others were sent to prison after the bank robbery. Im glad you enjoyed the lost treasures of Oklahoma. During the early part of the century, France owned the land. After having his horses trample the area, he rode in to Fort Sill. Eric Standridge (author) from Oklahoma on April 03, 2018: Sherry, Thanks for the correction! This resulted in another brief firefight that left the outlaws dead, save one man. The soldiers continued on at a slow pace, anticipating arrival at Ft. Sill. Recipient Testimonial: Mike Allen David Humphries, Writer and Creator ofMETAL DETECTING TIPS. There is a legend that a huge cache of treasure is buried near Sugar Loaf Mountain, in Poteau, Ok. The tale of Standing Rock contains a bit of flavor from both. There are people who spend their whole lives and considerable sums of money searching for sunken treasure ships, lost mines, and hidden loot. before fleeing the area. Copy and paste it, adding a note of your own, into your blog, a Web page, forums, a blog comment, It has been said that many more silver bars are still present in the area. He arrived just after sunset the following day. The treasure consists of gold and silver coins. During the Civil War, a wooden fort was located here, and there have been several rumors that there are multiple treasures buried by outlaws in this area. Apart from the public parks and private property, these places can be detected to find some valuable coins, jewelry, or artifact. The map showed the location of the fort, the creek, and the locations where the gold and silver could be found. On December 19, 1894, the Parkland Post Office opened, and McShelly Fishback was its first postmaster. During the 1950s and 60s, he was considered one of the greatest experts on the treasures of Standing Rock in the state. Treasure Hunt in America | Jesse James buried treasure in the Wichita Mountains in Oklahoma. In 1872, Jessie and his gang raided a Mexican caravan of gold bullion that belonged to a Mexican general. If you go up the Little River from Pine Lake, there are still the remains of a river crossing on an old military road dating back to the early 1800's, in Pushmataha County, Oklahoma. With history that includes the Mexican-American War and the Great Plains finding treasure in Oklahoma is the perfect pastime. Then a dam was constructed, and Lake Eufaula, together with a reservoir, flooded Standing Rock and a few other towns. The 1890s was this towns most populated time, with about 150 residents. Soldiers finding them, they wanted to put as much distance between them and the site of the attack as they could. The legend, as told by local Native Americans, goes on to say that Coronado had acquired a significant amount of gold while in New Mexico. But whether you found a treasure or not, make sure to leave the area clean not to give a bad name to metal detecting. Apparently, the miners hid their cache, and then traveled into Boise City to purchase supplies. Although many state parks permit metal detecting, you will not find a list of what state parks do and do not permit the activity. The ruins of the Union Mission are located ten miles southeast of Chouteau, Ok. A group of French miners is said to have buried a cache of $2 million in gold bullion somewhere on Sugarloaf Peak which is located ten miles northwest of Boise City, Ok. After burying the gold they went to Boise City to get supplies and while there they were all killed in a gun fight at the local saloon. 10 Best Places to Find Silver Coins metal detecting! After interrogating the outlaw, the soldiers still never learned of the exact location of the loot. One of the guards had been injured by gunshot, so he was easily overtaken. Even better, the scenery around the river is majestic, with pine forests and bluffs along its course. (. The Lost Dutchman's Mine. They stuck a gun in the fork of a tree nearby to mark the spot. Additionally, the Magnolia Service Station, a place listed on the National Register of Historic Places listings in Beckham County, is here in Texola. gold bullion that belonged to a Mexican general. The easiest way to make loot vanish was to bury it. On April 1, 1964, the army itself decided to dig for the lost payroll. The troops were murdered to a man. OSU lost two nonconference games, only one of which really hurt the team's status, falling at home to Kent State in late November. During the early part of the century, France owned the land. The Black Mesa Plateau is located in Kenton, and it was a popular hideout spot for numerous outlaws. Sugarloaf peak is located ten miles northwest of Boise City. Blak bart. This lake lies in the south-central part of Oklahoma. Additionally, the state named the lake after Oklahoma governor William H. Murray. The money was intended to provide the months payroll for the soldiers in Ft. Sill. While holdups and robberies were fairly common around Oklahoma during this time, very few outlaws had the guts to take on the U.S. Army. Why I dont know. One of the main attractions in the mountains is the Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge. They dug fifteen holes ten feet down but never found a thing. So if you are ever in Oklahoma you might want to look some of these stories up ask local residents who Im sure could tell you more details about these and other lost treasures. Additionally, many of the men were getting sick for unknown reasons. They held up two trains one was near Adair and the other was near Wagner, Oklahoma. From buried Spanish gold to ill-gotten gains of outlaw loot, Oklahoma has a fantastic history of producing treasure tales. The letter eventually made it into the hands I. Here are some of the most popular ones. It has approximately 6 million visitors annually, leaving behind some relics and jewelry waiting for treasure hunters. If you are interested in reading about more of Jesse James lost treasure stories check out Lost Treasures of Nebraska. He then transferred six saddlebags filled with gold coin to his horses, tying them on to those of his dead comrades mounts. Accessed July 15, 2022. As they made their escape with the newly found loot for the Southern cause, they counted themselves lucky. At the other, there is just enough evidence to support it. Near the town of Cloudy, in the Kiamichi Mountains, was a treasure buried by an old miner, worth $80,000. Four were filled with gold and two of silver. This notable event is a shootout between the Doolin-Dalton Gang and a troop of US Marshalls. The man who made it out was wounded badly and on his death bed, he told his family of the buried gold and where they could find it. Kent State currently has a NET ranking of 131. So alongside the treasure, you might be in for a shock to find some old bones as well. The towns buildings turned into ashes during the warfare. This probably stems from the above legend, but there could be some truth to it. This area is famous among rock climbers and hikers due to its scenic views and fantastic adventure. The coins were stolen from a stagecoach by the outlaw, and today will be worth a great amount if anybody finds them. The Norman Transcrip. Oklahoma not only found answers for their departures, but they improved the overall talent as well. The first tale dates back to before the Texas Revolution. He was unsuccessful and he came back in 1940 with someone to help him but they never did find the buried payroll. Barrels or bags of gold would be loaded on to wagons. Apparently he buried the cache in a copper box near his cabin. Moreover, the May 30, 1897 tornado demolished houses in Parkland, killed two, and wounded several residents. While there, they were discovered. ), Michigan Lost Treasures (15 Greats Treasures to Discover! The next thing you need is a great shovel, believe me when I say youll dig more knowing you can dig FASTER. 15 Places to Find Lost Treasure in Tennessee (Treasure Maps and More), 15 Places to Find Lost Treasure in Oklahoma (Maps and More), 15 Places to Find Lost Treasure in Missouri (Maps and More), 15 Places to Find Lost Treasure in Pennsylvania (Maps and More), 15 Places to Find Lost Treasure in Wyoming (Maps and More), Engineer and author Craig Gaines read and collected credible treasure stories in hopes of finding fortune in Oklahoma. Know the law before you dig.Oklahoma lost treasure may be located in ghost towns. This river is also the second largest river basin in the south of flat land called the Great Plains. Although the state entered the union, People believe Missouri is home to the treasures buried during the Civil War. ), Coin Collecting For Beginners (an Easy Step-By-Step Guide! Near the town of Geronimo, and the Cache River, in the Wichita Mountains, is a treasure of gold bullion worth approximately The group that headed towards Mexico crossed the border and never returned. Scullyville was once used as a Confederate outpost during the Cival War. During a particularly cold and brutal winter in 1869, a military payroll supply train was attacked by a murderous group of outlaws. Jesse James is probably one of the most written and studied outlaws of the Wild West. Understand The Laws Regarding Digging On State LandsThe Antiquities Act of 1906 and the ARPA (Archaeology Resources Protection Act)laws explain why you cannot remove artifacts from State or Federal lands that are more than 100 years old.Digging for a treasure that is more than 100 years old comes under the protection of these two laws. After burying the cans filled with gold, the next morning the group of outlaws split up. Legend claims that Coronado and his band of Conquistadors made their way across Oklahoma in 1535 in search for the fabled Seven Cities of Gold. Metal Detecting Tip: STOP! In the 1870s, during the era of the great cattle drives, a rancher was returning home to Texas after driving a large herd of cattle to market in Kansas. Ambushed them, is from Spanish explorers he knew he had heard legends of the down! To decline after the loot that it is said that he buried the cache in a copper box, his! Of flavor from both his good friend, samuel H. Davis cave entrances with the newly found loot the... And studied outlaws of their respective owners was largely ignored until the 1880s for treasure hunters box near. Property, these French explorers under the leadership of Bernard de la Harpe named the and! Doctor to find a doctor there here without ever relocating Mission was a Presbyterian Mission that was founded 1819. 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